Chapter 12

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Author's Note: This is the new chapter, so if you like it, please vote! and if you have ideas or questions, please comment! I'd love to hear from you guys. Feedback is always motivating and it makes me smile... and update quickly ;)

At the right is a pic of Marat Safin, who is just how I think Zach would look like. For those who don't know, Marat Safin is a former tennis player and as you can see in the pic, he's hot!  ;)

Strange meets weird - Chapter 12

Linny woke up early in the morning. The massage she had received the night before had relaxed her muscles and made her sleep deeply. She felt invigorated and ready to do some work. Amy on the other hand, was still asleep and would probably be nursing a hang-over when she woke up. 

Linny set up her work station at the small dining room of their suite. She opened her laptop and was pleased to see that her mother had scanned and sent the list of guests to her grandmother's wedding. As she suspected, next to each name, her grandma had written the gift she had received. She did this so she could write personalized thank you notes. She read the list looking for the object that had sent them here, and smiled when she found it. It had been given by Miss Amelia Rogers. She quickly googled the name. There were many matches for her search, so she started filtering the results. Calculating the day of her grandma's wedding she knew the person had to be over 70 years old at least. She eliminated the results of younger Amelia Rogers. She then thought some more and she noticed the title "miss". Amelia could have married someone since then, which would mean she could have a different last name.

She didn't know what to do, so she called Linus. He had IT knowledge, maybe he would know how to narrow the search and get the desired information. Linus greeted with a yawn but didn't seem upset. Linny scolded herself for calling so early in the morning, fortunately, Linus insisted it was not a problem and said that he had the time to help her. He asked some information, like her grandparents names, her grandmother maiden name, the town where the wedding took place, etc. After this, she heard him typing quickly and said he would call again. He had narrowed the results to two possibilities. An unmarried Amelia Rogers of 80 years old, and widow of 78. She wrote their addresses down and other information available. She needed to contact them ASAP.

She waited until 10am before making the phone calls. Miss Amelia Rogers was quite happy to hear about the granddaughter of her dear friend. What gift had she bought for Mary's wedding? It took her a while to answer. Finally, she said "a mirror, an antique I found while shopping at a flea market, it was just the kind of thing your grandmother liked". A flea market? how would she track its origin? She questioned her some more about the mirror, but it was obvious the old lady knew nothing about its previous owner or its special uses. Linny thanked her for her help and sighed discourage.

Amy found her friend with her head on her desk, mumbling to herself. That wasn't a good sign. She prepared two cups of coffee and approached her.

 - Bad news?

 - The worst! The mirror was purchased at a flea market! How are we going to find out who sold it?!

 Amy seemed sad too, but she tried to hide her disappointment.

 - We'll find another way. I've been thinking, maybe it's not the only magical object. We should contact witches and wiccans. They could know more about these things than us.

- You're right! That could work. Even if they haven't heard about the mirror, maybe they'll understand the symbols.

 - There you go! Hope is not lost. Now, if you excuse me, I need to take a shower. But first, where are the aspirins?

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