Chapter 3

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Strange meets weird - Chapter 3

Linny felt herself falling for a few minutes before hitting the floor. This floor however, wasn't like any other she had ever seen: it was made of solid light, or so she thought up close. Once she stood up, she searched for her friend and found her dangling from a floor beneath her. They appeared to be in some sort of futuristic highway, were roads were made of light beams one above the other.

Amy had been a gymnast growing up, so she used her skills to throw herself at the nearest road. She was now three floors down from Linny and couldn't find a way to reach her friend. Linny was screaming at Amy, telling her she would find a way out of this. Fate however, had other plans because suddenly a wheeless car collided with Linny and sent her flying to the ground unconscious.

When Linny opened her eyes, she found herself at an environment she hated: a hospital. She thought of the strange dream she had had and wondered where Amy and her grandma were. While she was reflecting on this, a thin and friendly looking nurse entered the room. 

-    Oh, how wonderful! You're finally awake! Your friend will be delighted. I'll call the doctor immediately; he will want to check on you. But before I go, tell me darling, are you feeling ok?

 -     Mmm yeah, just a big headache. I guess that's normal huh?

 -      Yes honey, it's normal, but I'll let the doctor know so he can give you a little more painkillers.

 -       Mmm madam, before you go, can you tell me how long I've been unconscious?

 -       Over 3 days sweetheart, but the doctor will explain things better. I'll call him.

When the nurse left, Linny took the time to assess her room a bit better. She found a beautiful big gift basket on a table next to her and opened it. It contained various items, but she decided to open the gift card first. It was a regular “get well soon” card signed by Amy, but was weird about it was the message. It was coded.

When Linny and Amy were kids they had developed their own coded alphabet to send each other secret messages so they could pretend they were spies. However, neither Linny nor Amy had used it in over a decade, which was why Linny found it so odd to find it there, on a card.

She started reading:  “Dear Linny they won’t let me stay here with you, this reality is so different from ours, and it’s driving me insane! We must find a way back, probably through that mirror. I found a friend that will help me his address is av Vertigo #3245 on Black Hill. His name is Linus.”

Wait, the mirror?! So it hadn’t been a dream?! Linny’s brain was starting to hurt even more from the shocking news and from worrying about her friend. Who is “they”? What is going on? She was lost in her thoughts when a woman opened the door and approached her bed. She looked oddly familiar, but she couldn’t be… no, that was impossible.

-       Linny, honey? I was so scared! I thought I was going to lose my beautiful daughter!

 -       Mom?!

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