Chapter 11

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Author's Note: So I have been thinking about the cast for my story. I think I want Jennifer to be portrayed by Maria Sharapova, she has the right look, even though they obviously don't share the same personality. As for Amy, I was thinking about Mandy Moore or Natalie Portman with long dark hair. As for the rest, I need help, so post your suggestions in the comments section. I'm really having trouble thinking of an actress with the right look for Linny.. so help me out please! 

Strange meets weird - Chapter 11

No matter how much Linny searched for those symbols, she never managed to find anything on the Internet.

- Maybe I should hit the books. Go old school.

- Hit the books?

Linny was startled by the sudden appearance of Zach. She quickly changed the windows of her laptop so it showed a boring excel sheet.

- Yeah. I mean, I've been taking this online course and I need to some research, that's all.

- Well you seemed pretty preoccupied before... Do you need help?

- Do you know how to do the balance sheets of a company?

- Uhmm no.

- Then, I think you should stick to music.

She smiled at him and they ended up laughing.

- So, what are you doing here Zach? I thought the band was doing a photo shoot for a magazine?

- Yeah. I did my part and took off. I don't like the media much. The others can take care of the rest.

- I thought rock stars craved the attention.

- Well, I don't. Not anymore. I love the music. I love our fans. I don't love people poking into my private lies and spreading lies about my recent break-up.

- So you're laying low for now. Not a bad idea at the moment. I guess every job has its problems. It's how we handle them that's important. I can see you are a good strong guy. Those vultures don't stand a chance.

- Thanks Linny.

Zach smiled. He showed her his award winning smile and Linny felt week in the knees. She was so glad she was sitting down at the moment. She smiled at him too, but then covered her face with her hair. She wasn't the most sociable person on Earth and she felt uncomfortable around people she didn't know well. She tried to sound confident, but sometimes she felt like a shy teenager all over again. Besides, hanging out with hot rock stars wasn't helping her self-esteem at all. She was plain Linny. Even with her died hair and beautiful curls, she was still a mortal surrounded by gods.

Linny was clueless to what Zach had beginning to figure out. She wasn't a regular girl. She was smart, kind and selfless. She was a good friend, a good listener and a trust worthy person. He had also noticed she was incredibly beautiful with her red locks falling down her face and those  beautiful soft eyes of hers that made him lose track of time. She was sexy and completely unaware of it. He liked that.


Two hours later the rest of the band returned and Linny had nothing to show Amy after her hours of research. She felt like a failure. Amy noticed Linny's long face so she went to her, hugged her and softly whispered "it's OK, we'll figure it out". Moments later, they arrived to their hotel. Once again Linny and Amy were sharing a suite. The moment the door shut down, Amy took Linny's hand and lead her to the biggest bed.

- Tonight, we'll have a girls night in. Manicures, chick flicks, facials. You name it, we're doing it.

- I thought we'd work on the mirror.

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