"I honestly don't know," she shrugged, giving a small laugh, "but I know that I love Killian. Being with him makes me happy. Now I want to keep this quiet, so don't tell anyone. He, uh, asked me to move in with him."

As much as she tried to keep her surprise dimmed down, Tinkerbell's eyes widened. "Really? He seriously asked you?"

Emma nodded, desperately trying to keep her emotions from showing. That is where she differed from both her mother and Ruby- she hated to make things a big deal.

"Will you move in with him then?"

Turning her head to the side, the blonde grimaced to herself. "I totally would, it's just... Henry. I don't want him to think we're, you know, going to get married, or be together forever just because we live in the same apartment. Things between Robin and Regina are set in stone; my relationship with Killian, however, isn't. I'm not saying we won't be together forever... I just... Don't know what the future has in store for me just yet. And then, there's the Neal problem. You know."

Tinkerbell listened to her intently, soon understanding where she was coming from. Neal was the father of her child, yet the fire died out between them. Henry fueled himself on optimism, believing that everyone had a happy ending in store for them somewhere. She knew Emma didn't want to give the boy false hope, but in doing so, she could be extinguishing hope of her own.

"Well, I know this probably isn't what you want to hear, but you should really talk to your parents about it. And Henry too, when the time is right. Just... Take a chance, and see where it takes you."

Emma smirked, turning back to her bed and picking up big fluffy coat, along with a pair of snow boots. "You're going to be late for your coffee date if you keep helping me with my relationship."

Tink slid the coat over her shoulders, giving her a modest smile. "It's kinda what I do. Now, are you going to make me ride in your horseless carriage or will I have to walk there?"

"I really can't with you," Emma giggled, putting her arm around her shoulders and leading her out of her bedroom, "you're so cute. I'm so glad you decided to visit."Like she had done since she had arrived, Tink smiled and nodded, mostly because she didn't know what else to do. The new realm was far beyond confusing, but she would never tell any of them that.

Being in a car made her feel so nervous she had to remind herself to breathe. The roads were still covered with snow, though Leroy promised he would be out with the plows as soon as possible. Emma took the pathway slow, ready to press on the brakes whenever she needed to. She found it slightly amusing how Tinkerbell clutched the sides of her seat; every time she turned a corner the fairy gave her looks of absolute terror.

"Don't you think it'll be a tad... Awkward, if Neal knew you drove me here?"

Emma stifled a laugh as she pulled into the diner, in what she presumed to be a parking space. Regina's Mercedes still lay abandoned in the parking lot, covered in about a foot of snow. Neal's worn down jeep was parked a few feet away, as well as a couple of other vehicles belonging to people who dared to leave their houses in such bitter weather.

"Neal and I are friends, Tink. There's nothing awkward about it- he knows I'm with Killian, and he's okay with that." Inside, she knew that wasn't true; the memories of Roland's party resurfaced in her mind. But she couldn't let her know that. "In fact, tell him I said hi, and that I wish you two the best of luck."

It took her a moment to fumble with the door before she got it to open. "For the last time, it's only coffee. But I suppose I can tell him that."

With a wink and a smile, Emma was soon off back down the street, leaving the fairy alone in the parking lot. She hesitantly started for the door, looking through the glass to spot Neal sitting alone in one of the booths, absent mindedly reading a newspaper.

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