I couldn't hide my blush from him, I know he was referencing last night's little sext session.

"Are you busy?" I asked.

"I actually just got to my office, I have a meeting in like 10 minutes." he announced, "But I always have time to talk with you My Love."

I smiled but got serious once again. "Well are you alone?"

He nodded.

"Okay...I had to let you know that unfortunately my Love...it looks like we are going to have to stop trying for a baby."

I watched as anger filled his face. "What the fuck happened?" He growled.

I figured I would get that sort of rise out of him so I didn't flinch.

"Well, seems we don't have to try anymore since I'm already pregnant."

At this I watched as he processed my words...the anger melted away and Titus was actually on the verge of tears.

"Please Everest my Love, tell me you are not fucking with me right now."

I shook my head and then panned the view around so he could see, "I'm at the doctor's office right now...fixing to have an ultrasound and I wanted you here with me...when we see our child for the first time...together." I admitted as I turned the screen back to me.

I opened the door and sat back on the examination bed. The doctor walked in. "Helen, this is my Husband Titus."

"Alpha Graystone." she acknowledged with a bow of her head. "Well the machine is right here, we will be able to see just how far along you are with a transvaginal...not exactly the most comfortable but definitely the most efficient."

I nodded and she continued. I kept the screen on me while the doctor got me situated and once she covered me up a little more and the screen was on I spoke up. "I'm going to turn the screen around so you can see what I'm seeing My Alpha."

"Thank you Love."

Helen smiled but continued.

She moved the apparatus inside of me and she was not lying when she said it would be uncomfortable, but only a little, either way I was glad Titus couldn't see my face.

"This is the amniotic sac, it is filled with the amniotic fluid as well as the baby embryo...oh, uh...embryos...congratulations it seems as if you are carrying twins."

I smiled and released a wet chuckle.

"Judging by the measurments, you are just at eight weeks...that being said I am concerned in the sense of your weight...I want you to get your weight up but size wise the embryos look fine, hang on a second and we can heart the heartbeats."

She moved to press a button and soon the room was filled with the loveliest sounds ever.

"Heartbeats are nice and strong." Helen said, "a bit too early to tell the genders just yet, but rest assured that will come soon enough."

She printed out a few shots of our ultrasound session. "From here on out you will receive the more 'traditional' belly ultrasound, and as soon as you get back home I'd suggest finding a primary doctor as you will be have multiple appointments."

I nodded, "Do either of you have any questions?"

"Will shifting harm the babies?" I asked.

She shook her head, "She-wolves are remarkable creatures as you may or may not know everything shifts from human to Wolf with the exceptions of our reproductive organs...so, please feel free to shift so long as you still feel comfortable and don't put too much strain on your body."

"When is the due date?" Titus asked.

"As we are entering March you should expect your babies...hopefully buy early September but as Multiples go...it isn't unlikely to go into an early labor, if that happens they may have a brief stint in the hospital but look toward late August/early September."

"When would you say it is safe to announce my pregnancy?" I wondered, "I'm very superstitious and would hate to tell everyone I'm pregnant and then unexpectedly lose the babies in a miscarriage."

At this She seemed to understand. "When you announce is essentially your choice Luna Graystone, but it is true that a lot of women do choose to wait until they are in their second trimester, that is when the chances of miscarriages decreases, but that's not to say that they don't happen altogether." She spoke, "furthermore as you are expecting twins it will be a tougher ordeal to hide a pregnancy as you will be a bit bigger than women pregnant with only once child...but if you want to wait until 2nd trimester you've still 5weeks to go."

I nodded my understanding.

"Anything else?" She asked.

I shook my head and Titus remained silent.

"Very well, I know your mother mentioned nauseousness and vomiting...I'll give you a few samples to help with morning sickness, you'll need to pick up some prenatal vitamins as well to help keep both you and the babies healthy."

"Does Lydia know?" Titus asked.

"No, I wanted you to be the first to know."

He smiled. "Do you want people to know?"

At this is I sighed, "as much as I wish I could keep the secret I don't think we have that luxury, these are Graystone babies...and hopefully with the moon goddess' blessing they will both be born healthy."

He nodded.

"But, I want to tell everyone together." I said.

"I'll get on the plane immediately, I'll be there before dinner."

My stomach growled, I realized I hadn't eaten anything as Lydia's plate of food literally made me vomit.

"Safe travels My Alpha."

"I'll see you soon My Luna."

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