62.) Chicago Med - Sick, pt. 1

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"You know, Will, Owen's at his grandma's for the night." Natalie called to her boyfriend through the bathroom door.

He was getting ready for bed and she was waiting for him, until she heard an all-too-familiar sound: puking.

"Hey, Will? You okay?" She asked, not receiving a response. She decided to go check on him, slowly opening the bathroom door and going in.

"Will! Oh my gosh, are you okay?" She asked, quickly approaching him as he sat on the ground, holding his stomach.

"My stomach hurts." He said weakly as he sweat through his shirt.

Natalie rested her hand on his forehead, feeling heat radiate off his body. "You definitely have a fever. Here, let's take your shirt off to cool you down a little." She told him, grabbing his shirt and pulling it off.

"I feel like death." He groaned, holding his stomach tight.

"How long have you felt bad?" She asked, having not noticed anything was off at work that day.

"A couple hours. But I thought it was just a stomachache. Now, it's getting hard to breathe and I keep throwing up."

"Do you feel like you're going to throw up again?"

Will closed his eyes and nodded as he tried to ward off the nausea. Unfortunately, he couldn't do it and leaned forward over the toilet before vomiting again.

"Here, drink some water." She told him, grabbing a cup and filling it in the sink.

Will took a few sips of it before it came back up.

"Oh, babe. I feel so bad for you." Nat told him as she pulled him close and held him against her.

"My stomach hurts." Will groaned again.

"I know, babe."

"Make it stop. Please, make it stop." He was begging. Natalie knew this had to be more than a flu. Will never even showed when he was in pain, let alone beg to make the pain go away.

"Hang tight, I'm going to go grab my shoes and then we're going to Med. okay? Hold on."

As she got up and throw on her shoes, she heard Will throw up again.

"Here, let's change into shorts instead of your scrubs and get your shoes on." Natalie commanded, already pulling his pants off and putting the shorts on. As she put his shoes on, Will continued to moan quietly.

"Alright, come on, let's go to Med." She said, helping him up slowly.

"I don't want to." Will wheezed as he held his stomach, panting for breath.

"Will, you are going to dehydrate and I don't have an IV bag here. Plus, I can't do any tests to figure out what's wrong here."

"Carry me." He whined, leaning most of his weight against her.

"Come on, you gotta help me out, Will." Natalie said, pushing him off of her a bit as they walked so he didn't knock her down. Will tried to walk entirely on his own, but was soon on the ground holding his stomach and gasping for air again.

"Will, please try to get to the car. We made it to the front door, it's just outside. I know this is hard and it hurts, but please." She told him, massaging his back as he was bent over, almost in tears.

"I can't." He said, tears threatening to spill down his face.

"Do I need to call an ambulance?"

"No, I'll manage. Come on."

Once in the car, Nat reclined Will's seat and sped to the hospital. The entire way, Will cried and wheezed, holding his stomach tight.

Once they got there, Natalie ran inside, leaving the car where the ambulances usually went as she hurried to get anyone to help.

"What's wrong?" Maggie immediately asked, having just saw Natalie leave work an hour ago.

"It's Will. He's in the car and he's crying. His stomach hurts, he's been throwing up, and he's having a hard time breathing. I gave him water, but he couldn't keep it down." Natalie rambled as Maggie motioned for Ethan to approach her.

"What's up?" Ethan asked.

"It's Will. Stomachache, vomiting, weak, trouble breathing, I don't know what's wrong."

"Where is he?"

"Right outside. I can't get him in on my own and he could barely walk earlier."

"I got him, come on." He said before he, Maggie, and Natalie ran out to the car, opening the door and finding Will with vomit on his bare chest, gasping for breath as his eyes drooped.

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