16.) Chicago PD - Good Deeds Never Go Unpunished

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June 17th

"I've been telling you to cut the grass for 3 days now! It looks like an abandoned house by the looks of our yard! The grass needs cut, weeds need pulled, the branches of the tree need cut, even the car needs washed!" 36-week-pregnant Kim yelled at her husband.

Adam took a deep breath and bit his tongue, knowing it was her hormones talking and that he couldn't say anything back because she was the one growing a human inside of her.

"I know you have and I'm sorry. I've been swamped with a case, but it's solved and I have no excuse. I'll go do it right now, okay? I love you." Adam told her, getting up and going outside to do the yard work.

He cut the grass, pulled the weeds, and washed the car before getting to the fun part: using the chainsaw to cut the long tree branches down. He got it out and turned it on, beginning to work at the tree as sweat dripped all over him.

Inside the house, Kim was eating ice cream on the couch and bingeing One Tree Hill on Netflix. She took a bite of ice cream and the baby kicked.

"You need to stop beating up Mommy, little rascal." Kim told the baby as it kicked again. The Ruzek baby, so far, had been so stubborn that they had never been able to learn the gender, so it would be a surprise. But for now, all Kim knew was the kid would be like Adam.

As she continued watching her show, she heard a loud scream from outside. She hurriedly got up and got outside, going as fast as she could.

In the front yard, she found Adam kneeling on the ground, holding his split-open shoulder with the chainsaw on the ground.

"Adam! What happened?" Kim asked, rushing to him.

"My hands were wet from sweating and the chainsaw slipped out of my hands." He told her, clutching his left shoulder.

"Come on, get in the car and I'll take you to Med." Kim said, going back in the house, grabbing her purse, keys, and a towel to press against Adam's shoulder.

"Good deeds never go unpunished." Adam mumbled as they drove to Med.

Once they arrived, Will took care of Adam, putting 35 stitches in his shoulder.

As Adam was waiting on discharge papers, he looked to Kim.

"Thanks for taking care of me, darling." He told her.

"I'll always take care of you, you know that. And-"

Kim was cut off by water dripping down her legs.


"My water broke."


5 hours later, Kim was in labor and about to deliver her baby.

"Adam...we wouldn't be doing this today...if you hadn't dropped a chainsaw on yourself...and I hadn't had to get up and drive you here..." Kim told him through clutched teeth as she beared another contraction.

"Like I said, good deeds never go unpunished." Adam said with a slight smile, which was wiped from his face as quick as Kim squeezed his hand.

Within another half hour, their baby girl had arrived. As Adam held her one-armed, he spoke gently to her.

"Your mommy is amazing. Even though you're going to drive her insane a lot, she'll always love you."

Kim spoke up from where she'd been sleeping. "Who says she's going to drive me insane?"

"She's half Ruzek."

"She's half Burgess, too."

"Kim, you remember the way she was just born, right?"

"Yeah, she's going to drive my crazy, just like her daddy. But, just like her daddy, I'll always love her."

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