Chapter 44

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when i got into I was scared, i was getting married in less than ten minutes. I was glad that i was marrying Max the man that has only been in my life for a short amount of time, But i loved him with all my heart , I didnt care about the mob anymore or the police because I knew that whatever happened to us Max would be my husband.

Husband,It seemed like such a weird term to say,something that i would call Max in less than ten minutes.

"five more mintues hunny" Max's mom told me in a sing song voice.

I tried to smile at her but i was shaking to much to even reply to her.

"Honey,its ok you are marrying my son and he will take care of you. Remember when you were at my house you both said that you loved each other then and you guys will always love each other"

I did smile after she said that warming my heart a bit more and taking away the shaking I was having.

"Thank you" i said,hugging her warmly.

"no problem honey, we are about to be family anyway"

We hugged once more and the tears begun to come down my face ruining my make-up.

"honey now we have to re-fix you in five "

She rushed around the room trying to take off my make-up and put more on in five mintues.

"hi,almost sister-in-law" Alex chirped,pulling the curtains aside and walking in without a knock.

"You are not part of the family so how can I be your sister-in-law"

"its a figure of speech Jessica" Sounding so annoyed, He put his hands around me rubbing my arms up and down.

"Is Max already up there?" I asked a little shaky still even after all the hugs I have gotten in the past couple of mintues.

"No, He is fixing his hair in his tent,he said he wanted to look perfect, I called him a girl and so I am here"

"you were kicked out of your own tent"

"yeah i was" His cheeks flared a red,seeing as how he had to hang out with the girls.

"two minutes"

"oh god" I said to Alex,holding all the breath that I had in me.

"Jessica, You will be fine, I will make funny faces when you walk to make you feel better"

"i love you Alex"

"i know"

"So i shouldnt be nervous should i?"

"No way, let me get a little chessy here,  Max is the one for you and when you see him down there waiting for you. You will be happy because you guys deserve each other. You guys are in love and will have a happy ending , I promise."

"thank you for that Alex"

"no problem Jessica,well i need to get into place. By the way you look beatiful"

"thank you"


I was scared even though I shouldnt be I was marrying Jessica but when the mintues dewelled down. My hands became sweaty and clamy as I walked down to my place. Alex coming out of Jessica's tent and following me down to his spot.

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