Chapter thirteen

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Max's point of view

I traveled until I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer. What would they do to her if I couldn't find the next clue?

Better question what if I was wrong. I quickly sought away the fears and kept on driving. No use to me for trying to get myself worked up. I kept my eyes on the road. I was a little bit more then half way there will only about 6 hours to spare. I didn't know if that was enough time.

But I sure hope so.

Jessica's point of view

Most of my time in this dark room was either spent crying about Max or about the predictiment I was in. what if Max didn't find the riddle on time. What would happen to me?

Better question isn't he already on the next one.

Almost on que the men step into the small living space. With coldness in their eyes they dragged me to the room and set me up on once again another kind of torture.

As my hands and ankles were shackled on the cool table I once was so familiar with. Tears began to come to my eyes as if the pain had already started.

"We have a new one to test on you today' said the man in a husky voice. Hiding every emotion in his monotone voice.

He moved it in place just above my right knee. I trembled at the thought of another round of pain.

All I heard was a faint beep.

And the husky voice left with just his picering green eyes stared at me for a lingering moment.

Then the pain started. It was a whacking tool every so often the hammer would come down to my knee and land a hard knock. In the same place everytime. I knew exactly when it was going to hit because of the whoosh it made as it came down and hit my knee. I thought in my head once again.

Please Max find this one quickly.

Max's point of view

All day I drove to get there on time I only had a few hours left to find the riddle but steady tiredness increased as my eyelids became heavier with each blink. I tried to think about Jessica but my eyelids had a different plan in mind. I drove to a convent hotel and checked into a room crashing on the bed before I could do much else.

The thoughts came back to mind.

What are they doing to her?


I run from their almost gold mask with blue tinted skin every time the turn it is a rainbow and you just can't stop from starting. I see the girl in the corning wearing a white dress that had dirt everywhere. Scars and bruises plagued her body. I try to run to her but the mask man gets a sly grin on his face as he grabs her by the wrist and yanks her out leaving me prison in my own mind. I try to scream but nothing comes out. And it all turns to darkness.

Jessica's point of view

Eveytime I fall into what I call sleep. It seems the hammer will knock into my knee just as I reach deep sleep. The faint "hump" as it collides with my knee and brief tears. I hope Max is ok. I hope he never blames himself for this.

He only has two hours left to find the next riddle.

Max's point of view

I woke up and slowly began to stretch as I turned to look at the clock. \I only had an hour left.

I quickly rushed to get everything together as I checked out and left the hotel. I only had an hour to get to my mother's house. I didn't know if it was humanly possible to do.

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