Chapter five

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The next day we got to his mothers house pretty early .I let him go in first .It was strange that I was going to be in his mothers house. What would he introduce me as? (Hopefully girlfriend). I chuckled why was I acting like a high school girl. Before I could think anymore their came Max walking to the car.

“Don’t look so scared of my mother,” he laughed at his words.

“I am not scared of your mother” I said annoyed .I got out of the car to prove my point and marched up to the door. (Sadly I ran into her). Max tried to stop his laughter.

‘I am sorry for running into you Mrs.…”


It then hit me I remember that’s the girl that was murdered. I almost began to cry but held myself back. I mustered a whispered sorry. And turned to get beside Max. I felt like burrowing my head in his arm but that would be weird so I stood there awkwardly switching my weight from one foot to the other.

Max finally said something “mom this is Jessica my –

“Girlfriend” I finished then I started to blush. Max gave me those big eyes. My blush got deeper.

“Ohh well I am glad to see Max has someone in his life. You are way prettier than Max has described you: I looked from Max and he couldn’t look me in the eyes.

“Ohh thank you “

“Well let’s go inside and we can get you settled in”

Max and me went to the car and he grabbed his bag. Then when I went to get my bag


He scared me and I hit my head on the car frame. Max chuckled

“That’s all I could think of “

‘You thought of girlfriend first’

‘Shut up and go in the house”

‘Yeah right away sweet heart”

I rolled my eyes this is going to be a long day. His mom showed me to the guest room. I started to unpack my pack when she sat on the bed giving me a look like she needed to tell me something but didn’t know how to put it.

“Jessica, did something happen with my son” my throat got dry and I couldn’t say anything. Max told me not to he would. I cleared my throat and finally said

“I really don’t want to say anything Max said that he would tell you when he is ready”

“ohm! Well I hope he tells me soon because I want to know what happened to my Julia “

I had to tell her. I almost did until Max walked into the guest room. He saw the tears in my eyes; He walked over to me and held me up in his arms.

“What happened”?

“Nothing “I said while I wiped of the salty tears.

“Max “

He looked at his mom .I think he knew what she was about to say.

“Tell me what happened to your sister”

He looked everywhere but into my or his mother’s eyes. I almost saw a tear start in his eyes

“Mom Julia was….”


He said in a quite whisper.

His mom looked shocked and ran out of the room. Max didn’t look into my eyes at all before he left the room. I tried to stop sobbing all over myself.

I didn’t want to be left alone. I quieted my crying and grabbed a tissue and went on a look for Max. I looked in his old room. It brought a smile to my face when I saw all the toy airplanes and the superman posters. I saw a notebook lying on the desk. I swiftly jetted over to look inside the old notebook maybe I could find some answers.

I opened the book to a random page.

March 5, 2000

Today I found out most of the guys in my class hated me. Probably for whatever I did.sometimes want to forget what happened. Just want to be in the present. Maybe they hate me for stealing the car or maybe punching the one guy in the face that was a good day.


It was so cute. But he wasn’t kidding about the stuff he did when he was young. I put the book back on the desk and went to go look for Max. I looked all around the house until I stopped in front of the window and saw him sitting in front of what looked like a pond. I ran out to him.

“Are you ok”he turned to me and I saw that he had been crying. I gave him a big hug and sat by him.

“I am going to take it that you weren’t ready for that”

“Very true”

“max you know I am here for you right?”

“Yeah you’re a great girlfriend”

“You are never going to let that go are you?”


I blushed trying to hide it from him but he grabbed my face and he kissed me. His lips were warm and were like sparks on my own. I felt them move them in movement with my own.

“Jessica can I tell you something “

“Of course”


Did he really say what I thought he just said? I was so glad that he finally said it. I knew then it didn’t matter what ever happened after this that we would be together.

“Max I love you too”

We kissed under the sunset. We walked back to the hand in hand knowing that everything would be ok for a little bit longer.

We walked in side and the news was on. I froze I saw what they were talking about:

Breaking news we have a led on the murder of the two girls. We have found were the murdered lived and we think he have a hostage with him.

I didn’t notice that his mom was there until she turned around and said in a stern voice

“You have some explaining to do”

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