chapter three

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I woke up to hear the front door opening, I couldn’t move. What

If it was the man who was trying to frame max. I had to go see so I picked up the closest thing to me, which happened to me a shoe (of course my luck).

I slowly opened my door trying not to make the door squeak. I went down the stairs one at a time. Trying to see who was in my house. I got all the way downstairs until I saw Max standing there worried. I relaxed and let out a deep sigh. Max looked over at me and started to laugh about how dumb I looked with a shoe in my hand. I started to laugh also. I walked over to Max. I saw that as soon as his laughter died down he started to look worried. I put my hand don his shoulder and said

“What is the matter did something happen”. He didn’t answer me .he just turned on the T.V. I saw the same news lady stare at the screen and began to talk her short blonde hair bouncing up and down when she started to talk:

Breaking new in the case of the murder of the two ladies found in their house yesterday. They have identified them as miss Ashley Harrison. (As her picture filled the entire screen I began to feel sympatric for her family she looked young and she had brown hair that just touched her shoulders. she had a bright white smile she looked around 20) and the other girl Julia Harth (she was really pretty she had black long hair that looked so healthy. Her eyes a forest green that had some hints of brown and of blue). We do have leads on there killer. We believe he lives on the outskirts of town in one of the many of the town houses. We haven’t had much information. We know that the man has brown eyes and light brown hair. He has a small build but he is quite tall.

I sat down in shock what are we suppose to do .We cant stay here know that they now knew what he looked like. Would I have to go with him? Where would we go? Would we have to run forever? I looked at Max he looked like he was almost about to cry. What happened during those few minutes that I didn’t catch? I didn’t ask him about. How could I. He grabbed my hand and looked in my eyes and said in a calm voice “I don’t except you to go with me but I have a feeling that if they don’t find me then they are going to find that out had talked to me. And I wouldn’t want that to happen. So I am asking I am only going to say this once then we have to leave. Will you go with me and be on the run which might be forever?’

I stared at him, He had to be kidding .I just met the guy and then he wanted me to go on the run with him but I couldn’t help myself. What he said was true. We had to prove that he was innocent. Was I really willing to go on a trip with a stranger. Who might of murdered someone. I shuddered at the thought I had to give him an answer so I swallowed hard and looked into his eyes. “I will go with you”

He looked relived and let out his breath .he gathered me into his arms and hugged me quite hard, I gasped for breath. Then he let me go and said in a quiet voice. “ Grab all your clothing that you have and try to pack some food .I will be back in 30 minutes be ready” he gave me a stern look and left slamming my door. I couldn’t move. What did I just do? Did I believe him?

Did I love him? I shook my head trying to clear it and started to go up the stairs to pack my suitcase. I was done packing and I had about 10 minutes left so I decided to take a shower. When the hot water first touched my skin I gave a little sigh. It felt so good all my problems slipped away for a couple of minutes while I cleaned my hair. I stepped out my shower and started to get dress quickly seeing that I only had a couple of minutes left until Max would be here. I grabbed my suitcase and walked down the stairs I turned on the news to see if anything changed. Still they had nothing. I let out my breath in slow sprits. Max came in and scared me. He laughed at my embarssment.while I blushed bright red. Max grabbed my suitcase and led me out the door. Before I left I made sure that I turned everything off. I stood at my door saying goodbye to my boring live. I let out a big sigh and shut the door .I got in Max’s little car. I buckled my seat belt and he started to drive. I looked out the window for most of the time. It started to rain and I watched as the raindrops started coming harder and harder on the window. Max started to talk .I jumped forgetting that he was there. He laughed I blushed again. I had to ask him something but I dint know how to put it. So I chickened out and started with the usual stuff.

“What is your favorite color?”

He was starting off in space when he turned to me and answered my question.

“It is red. What about you what is your favorite color”

“Umm I have many but I think my favorite is red “

‘Interesting “

I gave him a puzzled look what did he mean by interesting. He probably didn’t mean anything about it,

“Max I have something to ask”

‘Yes, Jessica” saying my name. My heart began to flutter. My mouth went dry and I took in a deep breath and said to him

“What did you do for someone wanting to put you away for murder”

He looked all the sudden angry. He gripped the wheel harder making his knuckles white. He took a short breath and looked at me and started to talk in a calm voice

“ I used to do bad things when I was a kid. I guess this person was someone that I made mad I don’t know exactly what I did to make them hate me. It had to deal with whatever I did when I was a teen”

“ohh” I slapped myself mentally. He was born to me a serial killer (or along those lines). I had to know what he did. But I didn’t think that he would ever tell me what he did. I guess I will just have to get it out of him. I also wanted to know if he knew those girls. My hands started to sweat I had way to many questions to ask him. I mean I didn’t know a whole lot about him. All I knew was that he:

1st did something really bad in his teen years to make someone frame him for murder

2nd he had to know those girls

3rd I was running from the police for something I had no idea about

4th I still was in love with him

I got the courage to ask him about the victims. But then we stopped and all was lost. He got out to get some gas .I sighed then closed my eyes I will just ask him about them tomorrow. I didn’t realize how much time had passes until max got back into the car. As he started the engine I woke up. I rubbed my eyes a couple of times before I looked at him. He smiled at me. A little laughter still played on his lips. I smiled back at him. We started are long trip going to were ever we were going (I had no clue). Another question I had to ask a groan escaped my lips why did I have to be so nosy. I wanted to ask him so I breathed in deeply and let it out slowly I turned to him and gave a smile and said quickly in whispers “ did you know those two girls that were murdered” I hated using the “m” word it sounded horrible to really think that a human could look in another’s eyes and kill them cold blood. I shook my head. Max looked uncomfortable answering my question. He looked like he was looking for the right words to say. He would open his mouth then close it again. This went on for about 10 minutes. I didn’t think that the little question would be so much for him to answer, If he cared so much about me shouldn’t I be able to get an answer out of him. I looked at him. His eyes looked glassy like we was going to cry I said quickly

“You don’t have to answer that if you don’t want to” trying to make the silence and awkwardness go away.

He turned to me looking his eyes. I had to turn away they were like burning a hole through me. I said in a quite whisper ”I am sorry”

“Jessica I will answer your question just give me a minute,” he shouted

I almost broke into tears something was eating him up inside. I wanted to know what. He cleared his throat and looked at me with those beautiful eyes (I could get lost in those). Then I tried to concentrate on his eyes and keeping eye contact,

He said in almost hard to hear whispers.

“Those two that were killed were my sister and my cousin”

I couldn’t say anything else. I was socked whoever this person was. Was after Max. I would make him tell me.

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