Chapter eight

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We were in the car the music just above a whisper.we haven’t talked since the whole love thing.Did he really believe everything he said or was it just a filler. He never really told us were we were going so I didn’t know when we were going to get there .we stoped at a little gas station.Max got out of the car quickly giving me a smile as he shut the door.he started to pump the gas and I got out of the car and walked towards the building to use the bathroom. After I was done Max was at the door.

“where were you” he said in a out of breath voice.

“in the bathroom”

“oh goodness”

“did you think I was kidnapped or something’

he looked at me with a hard glance.then he talked in whispers to me

“someone could be watching us”

“yeah, youre right”

“sorry I will tell you next time”

we walked back to the car hand in hand. I went back to sleep in the car ride to where ever we were going.

Max woke me up with a gentle kiss on the forehead.i opened up my tired eyes and looked at his beautiful eyes glancing at me.

“whats the matter”

“we are here”

‘were is here”

“at my old house” with a little grin playing on his lips

“are you sure that is a good idea”I said with questiopn in my voice

“yeah,everyone thinks I moved about 6 years ago.and we can watch the news”

“ok”I said not all the way sure if this is a good idea

I grabbed my bag and went into the simple little house that was white on the outside with blue trimmings. It even had a white picket fence. Max opened the door to the house.It had a musty scent but it seemed almost homey. The living room had a white counch and a matching loveseat. He had a fireplace that had some old wood in it. We made are way to the bedroom upstairs. With every footstep it was starting to become home. He opend the bedroom door. The bed was old but cute it was a king sized with quilts folded on the end of the bed.there was paintings on the white walls of flowers and there was a cute green rug on the floor.

“what do you think”

suddenly breaking me out of my trance.


“whatcha think”

“it is so cute “


“you couldn’t of done all this your self”

“no I had my friends help”

“I love this place”I said with a smile playing on my lips.

“I love you so it all works out” he said with a big grin on his face. I laughed. I started to unpack my things as Max went to cooking something downstairs. I finished unpacking my suitcase and plopped down on the bed and took a deep breath.(hopefully we will stay here for a while)

next thing I knew there was Max kissing me waking me up again.

“dinner is ready”


then he walked downstairs.i jumped down the stairs feeling like a little girl.i made my way to the dinner table. We ate and I helped Max clean up . He turned on the t.v tosee the breaking news on again.

“the bodies of both girls murdered in that horrible murder was buried today.both having a wonderful service. No new news about the murder all we now he has gone somewhere west.the police are still looking.we will keep you updated.thank you this is Karen cole with your nightly news.

Max came up to me and hugged me so tightly I almost couldn’t breath. I laughed

“why are you so happy”

‘cause they aren’t on are case”

“yeah you have a point”

“are you sad about your sister”I said in a sad tone

“no I really am not”I looked surprise at his reaction


“yeah really” he kissed me on the check. I was worried is he really not that worried about his sister funeral today.

“are you ready for bed”

“yeah lets go”

I changed into my pjs and ws about to get in bed until I almost forgot to plug in my phone I tried to find it in my pants or in my suitcase.

“Max have you seen my phone”

“no”he said sleepily

‘where could it be” talking to myself

I walked outside into the cold air whipped around me. I walked to the car and opened the door and serched for my phone.nothing. I knew that I did have it when we left.

“oh no”

what if someone stole it.what if it was the guy who was trying to frame Max. what would they do with my contacts. Would they murder someone else…

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