Chapter two

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The next day I woke up and almost flung out of bed. I was almost excited to get a package but also scared. What if he was a murder and I was going into his grasp. I opened the door slightly hoping there was a package ther. There was I opened it excited to see what dress he had gave me this time. There it was a beautiful red dress that was a little bit shorter than the last one it had a v-neck and it had a snug fit (I could tell). I was shaking .I looked for the note and there it was folded neatly in the bottom of the book.

I opened it readying my self for what ever was written inside .In his beautiful cursive handwriting it said:

I hope we can meet sometime in the future. I hop someday you will find that you have the same feelings for me as I do for you

Love max

I gasped for breath .I didn’t even know this guy and he already said he has feelings for me .I couldn’t lie I had like him a lot already also. I ran to the window if I could get a glimpse of those eyes. There they were mysteriously looking at me. His eye brown with hose tiny green flecks. I had already fallen in love him. When the stranger had looked away and I finally got a gasp of breath. I went to the TV not really paying any attention to what was on until I hear the breaking news music playing I slowly woke up from my long trance. The news lady staring in the camera said:

Breaking news two bodies were found downtown today both killed by a single knife wound to the heart. The only thing reported stolen was two dresses one red and one blue. My mouth literally dropped open. I was right he was a murder .I was scared. How could I ever love someone like than .why did he sent me those dresses? I rushed trying to fid the blue dress I found in my closet .I put both into the fire. Making sure that all evidence was ruined. How could I trust him at all? I made sure that the dress burned up. Hopefully I could burn the feelings I had for this stranger with those dresses. I heard a knock on the door. I opened it carefully. There he was the stranger I became to know and love. My mouth dropped I was speechless lost for words.

“Hello” that was all I could muster up without screaming.


I shifted my weight from foot to foot. I let him in (what was I supposed to do). He smiled at me. This guy was handsome he had light brown almost sun kiss hair. I think I have already described his eyes enough. He had a small frame but he was tall. He took my hands and even his voice was amazing.

“I know what you are thinking why has a stranger came into my house and sent me these gifts”

“Yeah sounds about right ‘

But I wanted to tell you that I am in love with you from the first day I looked at you .you are quite beautiful”

I couldn’t think of anything to say he kept going on and on. I couldn’t keep it in anymore

“You’re a murder I saw it on the news you killed those two girls and you gave me their dresses”

He didn’t look concerned at all. (What the heck).

“I didn’t do any of those things I bought those dresses and someone had tried to set me up every since I have be n here”

It made me feel a little better. But he still is an almost murder.

We sat and talked for what seemed like hours. I got to know my perfect stranger and he was pretty much perfect. It was truly love at first sight.

We talked so long that I didn’t glance at the clock till it was almost 12 .he looked sad and also felt bad that he kept me so late. He said his goodbyes and left my house. That was the weirdest thing I have ever done. Who was this person trying to set him up? Why? What started it?

I had to ask him. I guessed I had to wait until tomorrow. I slowly slipped into bed. I drifted to sleep after about an hour of worrying. Then the nightmares started. I had one of max with a knife and coming at me slowly and then sticking it through my chest. My life pasting before my eyes and then I was dead. Max standing over me with a bloody knife in his hand.

I shot up. Sweat dripping down my face. I had a feeling that the dreams wouldn’t stop until I asked him about the shudder “murders”

I drifted in and out of sleep all night long. Trying to figure out what to say. This just really complicated. I am in love with a (maybe) murder stranger

Colors of Love(the perfect stranger)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum