chapter thirty:)

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we had Max in the car we were so close to leaving . Until the mob had came back. I launched the car into drive and hoped that the rest of the boys could get out safely. I tried to call them on the talkies . Tell them that the mob was back but nobody had answered me,nobody told me that they had heard me. I hoped that they would be safe but I knew that I had to get Max into the hospital and I could worry about the rest of the crew later.

“is he doing ok back there”

“yeah he is doing fine.”

I was still worried and not just about getting Max to the hospital.

“what..what if they follow us..they know that we would have to go back home sometime “


Max's voice was so hoarse and it scared me the most.

“don’t talk Max just focus on staying awake”


I let out a silent tear as he moved around in he back trying to get comfortable but only making himself hurt worse.

“it will be ok”

Sean looked at me with guilt as he tried to make me feel better by rubbing my back. All I wanted was for Max not to be in pain but I knew that he would be soon.

“we are here”

“thank god”i heard Max whisper in the back and it took me everything not to cry and place him in my arms.

“Sean can you go in and get a nurse to help us with him.”

“yeah I will”

he opened the door and was out into the light of the hospital which he quickly disappeared under.

“Jessica just in case...”

“don’t say things like that you are going to make it you have to make it”

“if I don’t make it..i want to make sure you know that I love you”

“i know you do.. I love you too”

“thats all I need”

“Max ...i need you here with me”

“i know..but If I don't make it keep the ring..i know you have it ..wear it on your ring finger so everyone knows that I wanted to marry you and that you are still mine”

I took his hands into mine.

“i promise”

the nurses came rushing out of the Hospital with Sean not far behind them.

“where is he”

one of the nurses said to me without a reply they grabbed him and carefully put him down on the gurney as I hopelessly held onto his now limp hand.

“please be ok” I whispered as they took him into the hospital.

I put my hand back into my pockets to find the ring that Max had given me. I slipped it on my finger trying not to cry as the doors closed leaving me outside to cry.


we had just escaped the mob as they came thrashing into the warehouse. We of course had to steal their car as just another thing to tick them off. I wished that they wouldn’t have came just as they did. We watched them come through the back door of the house . As we waited in silence for them to go all their different ways before we made our escape. Moments after we heard no more footsteps we quietly came out of the closet like room. We opened the door slowly hoping that no one would hear us. We ran to one of the cars that the mob had left not to long ago and as it roared to life I put it to gear and got out of there fast.

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