chapter six

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I was in shock. I was moving my weight back and forth from one to another.

It was a very uncomfortable feeling.Max wouldn’t say anything.His mom staring as us both like we did something wrong, Max let go of my hand as he started to talk.

‘mom I didn’t do anything the news just said I did but none of that stuff was by my hand I swear”

“I guess things just finally caught up to you”

then she just walked away I guess she didn’t want to hear everything.i wondered what did she mean by that.i was done guessing.I didn’t want him to lie to me forever.

I turned to Max. And waited until he looked me in the eyes to start talking.

“you need to tell me what happened that would make someone do this to you”

He didn’t say a word and just walked away from me.I let out a angry sigh and walked to the guest room.why wouldn’t he just tell me already.

I couldn’t stay mad for long. I guess he didn’t have to tell instead of going to his room I chickened out and wrote him a letter.

Dear Max,

I just wanted to say that you know how much you mean to me. I guess you don’t have to tell me what happened now I just want you to know that you cant keep all your secrets hidden from me forever.



I folded it up and slid it under his door.I waited for what felt like ten miutes for him to get it from his door I hear the movement of the paper as he tried to open it. I waited for him to read it and then I herad him fold it up and walk to the door of his bedroom I booked back to mine before he could get there.A little after I arrived he was there staring at me breathing heavy.

He laughted “I have a feeling you were spying on me”

‘why would you ever get that idea”

‘do you really want me to get into that”

“I know I am a horrible spy”

“no kidding”

“shut up,what did you want to tell me”

“if you are going to be like that then I wont tell you “

‘wait wait I want to know’

“ nope I am not telling you now” he said with a smirk playing on his lips then he walked out of my room. I leaped of the bed and tackled him to the ground about halfway to his own room. I was on his back and he flipped me over so I was on the carpet and he was over me.

“I guess you really wanted to know”

‘yeah no kidding” I said in little laughs. He smiled at me.

“ummm….could you get of me’

“yeah”he said embarssed. We walked back to his room hand in hand.

“if I tell you this you have to promise me that you wont think differently of me”

“I will try”

‘I guess I take that answer”

“when I was a teenager I hung out with the bad group of I wasn’t a meth head or did any drugs.

‘weight lifted shoulders”

‘that was all you were worried about”

“no” trying to hide my smile.i was glad that he didn’t do drugs(who wont be).

“I am sorry go on with your story”

“anyway”clearing his thoart a little to loud.”this group of kids were also in something like a gang,

“what do you mean something like a gang”

he wont look in my eyes as he said “ they were more violent then any gang you probably know”

“oh” that’s all I could say my mouth went dry. How could someone like him be in something like that.

“anyway so they would literally cut people beat up people some close to death.I have heard that someone had murdered couple of people’

“how can you be so ot affected by this”

‘its my past”

‘but it still apparently deals with the present”

“you have a point”

‘I always know”

you are so into yourself.

“Max”we both looked at each other and ran downstairs.and breaking news was on again.the news lady straightens up and starts to talk:

according to police reports the murderer who had killed these two ladies is still on the run. The police has gooting a lead though they know that he has gone south with his hostage. When we have more news we will tell you this is channel 18 news thank you. His mom swiftly turned off the t.v and looked at us confused


“well Mom they just say that you know that she really is my um…. Girlfriend”

“yeah I am not buying it Max.what did you do to make this poor girl go with you”

he told her the whole story about the dresses. And that I had to go with him or the police would find me and then find him.thinking about him going to jail made my stomach turn.i had to fall for a guy who was insane. Yay!

“Jessica “yeah as I blinked my eyes a couple of times to help me focuse on what they were saying.

“saying that you went willingly”

‘yeah I did”

“’if you want to sweety the door is open you don’t have to live this life.

What was I supposed to say I cant leave cause I kind os have a think for your son. That would go over really well.

“I cant leave now”

his mom looked at me sadly.and of course Max was smiling with his eyes.those eyes spoke to me for what felt like 4 could I ever leave him.i was in love with him.his mom walked up the stairs as Max gathered me up in a huge hug.He kissed my head and my check then in my ear he whispered “believe me this wont be forever.i love you”

I could say a word as a tear slowly rolled down my cheek staining his shirt with water.

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