Chapter twenty-three

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Alex and I had discussed what was going to happen more than once but we could never come to agreement so we left it, as we will do what we can until the mob strikes us. It was a bad feeling that something would happen soon and one of us would be buried but the thought had to be shaken as I couldn't show fear around Jessica or Alex due to the fact I already knew they were a lot more scared then they wanted to admit on the way back to the house there was a eerie silence that crept on to me and Alex.

"What if one of us dies"

Alex had almost jumped at my question as we both were getting used to the silence.

"I don't know what I would do."

" Alex you don't have to answer that question it was dumb to ask"

"No I want to answer it. I would take care of Jessica make sure that she was ok being a friend for her. We both know she would take it the hardest and make sure that everyone knows that you aren't a murder"

"Thanks Alex"

"Welcome Max"

"Lets not talk about death deal"


And just like that the awkward silence was over and was close. We came up to the house and slowly got out of the car locking it and making our way inside when me and Alex noticed that the door handle was coming off and that the door looked like it had been kicked off its hinges in a rush to make sure Jessica is ok Alex took downstairs and I took upstairs. It didn't take long to notice that she was stuffed in a closet. Her hair was matted with blood and so where her clothes we hadn't seen the note that was placed above her until we turned on the lights me and Alex both looked at the note knowing that this was just the beginning. We couldn't take Jessica to the hospital due to the fact that somebody would see me and call the police that would start matters all of its own. So we quickly put her on the bed and tended the wound on her head.

"Its ok Jessica I repeated to her"

She responded with grunts and moans as I applied pressure to her head.


"the what Jessica"


My heart dropped if only we didn't leave and let the mob come into the house leave that note and attack Jessica. I had to get away I had t get some fresh air. I slammed the note onto the floor and left.


In Max's haste he had dropped the note, which I never got to see what was written on it in the first place.

It read:

This is only the beginning of the end

No wonder Max had given me that stare like he was scared out of his mind. Looking at Jessica torn and battered had given him a new out look to his plan.

What if I could stop this all. I would give myself over to the mob and nobody else would suffer he had to tell Max right away.

"Max, I have a plan to solve all our problems"

I hadn't realize how beat up he looked until I came closer to him his eyes were swollen his head was buried into his face. I never saw Max so broken down.

"You do"

'Yeah" I doubt that I could tell him my almost suicide plan he would think that it would be too risky and he would try to stop me in the first place.

"Never mind, we both know we should be by Jessica side when she wakes up"

"You're right"

Just like that we walked up the stairs into the infamous room were Jessica laid fast asleep.

"I will leave you two alone"

"Thank you Alex"

"No problem Max"


I cupped her hands into my own as I couldn't help but let the tears fall from my face once again I see her in such a state where it is almost too much to bear to look at her.

"Jessica I know you are asleep and I wanted to say something to you, I want to marry you I want you to be forever mine and I want to hold you have children with you I am so glad that someone like you came into my life but the fact that you have been hurt so many times by my dumb mistakes almost leads me wanting to let you go so you can find someone who isn't with the mob but then I remember that I could never let you go cause you mean the world to me. Believe me that everything will be ok it has to be. I love you with all my heart Jessica Marth."

A silent tear rolled down my cheek as I grabbed the ring that I held in my pocket for a couple days now. I couldn't wait for the right moment to tell her all of that when she could actually hear me. She grumbled and turned over as I hastily put the ring back in my pocket.


"Yes Jessica"

"Max" her eyes opened in a hurry as she latched onto me and hugged me and kissed me as I felt her tears soak into my clothes.

"Don't cry"

"I was just so screed Max I thought I was going to die"

'Don't ever think that"

"Cause what you are here to protect me"


'Im glad you are. So what happens next"?

'Sadly I have no idea what to tell you"

Her face had shrunken into a frown. I didn't want her to live this life but that what we are stuck with.

'How about we go somewhere special tomorrow"



"The beach "

"for what?"

'A date of course"

She smiled as she laid back down and snuggled herself up with me and just like that we were asleep,


So like eight or so more chapters before the second book. There is a lot of foreshadowing in this chapter if you can guess them all you will get a million awesome points.

Anyway thanks for reading this

Love you all


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