Chapter fifteen

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Alex led me out of the room and it was weird I almost felt like I was going to miss it. We went from one room to another. I tried not to look at any of the men's faces. I just tried to remember I will see Max soon.

"So how do you know Max? " I said when he tried to look for the next door.

"I rather not say if he hasn't told you anything about his past. "

"He has told me a little bit."

"Yeah then I am not going to say."

"Please Alex "

"No Jessica he obviously didn't want you to know "


"He will tell you eventually"

'How did you know I was here"

"Max told me you were kidnapped and the rest I cant tell you "


"Cause it deals with our past. "


"I am trying to escape here you asking so many questions is hurting the process."

"Ok, ok"

We made it to the end of the hallway to another set of hallways. Every time one of the masked men would stare at us it felt like daggers. We went into another hallway and another and another. Till we met with one of the masked men who guarded the door to the outside.

I tried to not smile knowing that I would be free.

"Hello Alex" the man said like he knew him.

"Hello Mark '

I was astonished how did they know each other. We made it out with no problem. I had a million questions to ask but I wanted to see Max first.

"Are we going to Max"?


Max's point of view

I was going to see her again she wasn't dead; the only thing that matter now was that they were going to be safe. I know as well as Alex if they knew you were working against them they would come after you.

Alex's point of view

I couldn't believe we made out there safety. I knew they would be on us soon after they realized what happened.

The little noise of my phone pinged and I already knew who it was.


The most impatient human being I know

"What do you want"?

Are you guys ok?"

'Obviously if I can answer your phone call"

"Alex be nice to Jessica please and get her here safely"

"Of course I will are we going to the old house or your mom's house "


"See you in a couple hours"

"Yeah excited. Tell Jessica that I love her."

"Can't do bye"


I hung up the phone before he could say anything else. I didn't want to hear about how much they loved each other blah blah blah. She would see him soon and all will be fair in the world.

It sickened me how much he feels for a girl he has known for a couple weeks. When Max did something he always went big.

Max's point of view

Sometimes Alex gets on my nerves. But I would be able to see Jessica again. I wondered sometimes how we could still be together after everything that happened I guess maybe we are in love or a really good presentation of it.

Alex's point of view

If I have to deal with Jessica for too much longer I might kill myself. She wont stop asking me questions about our past that Max clearly doesn't want to tell her yet. She is always asking if we are almost there.

"Are we almost their Alex"?

"Yes, like five more minutes.'

I could see she was happy about it. It really did amaze me how two people could be so in love within a couple of weeks.

We finally pulled into the driveway and she was asleep. For the biggest moment in her life she fell asleep.


Called Max



"Could you come down here your future wife is asleep in the car"

"Yeah be down there soon"

He was never this excited in his life well only before a well never minds. Max literally came out of nowhere and was gracefully picking up Jessica so she wont wake up.

We got inside and he laid her gently on the couch as if she was put down too hard she would break.

"Max we have something very important to talk about '

'Which is"

"You know very well that you ever is trying to get us wants to kill us "

"Your point"

"Meaning you have to be extra careful in anything you do especially with her"

"I will. After her getting kidnapped I will never let her out of my sight "

"Wow your committed"

"Yes I am"

"So where are you guys going next"

"I don't know hopefully somewhere far from here"

"Best idea you have had for a while Max"

Jessica's point of view

I slowly was waking up even though I don't remember falling asleep I knew we weren't in the car anymore. I slowly opened my eyes and too see two familiar faces. I let out a groan and whispered

"Max is that you?'

Authors note

I know this chapter is kind of weird. But I hope you like it anyway I got to go to sleep so goodnight peeps. Thanks for reading. Another long chapter. Just saying




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