chapter twenty-eight

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once again I woke up feeling every break and every bruise that had formed on my skin. I was till in the pool of blood that I would guess be mine. I didn’t know how much more I could take of this but anything I could do to save Jessica was fine with me even if it meant giving my life …


it had been a long time since I seen Max well at least it felt like a while. Alex had gone everywhere he could and also done anything he could to make sure that Max would be back with us before the week would be over hopefully that would be the case.

“alex whatcha up to?”

“trying to save my best friend duh” his face as serious as possible. I couldn’t help but laugh at him I knew he was trying to make me feel better and believe me it was working.

“well any good plans?”

“well I have a airplane a helicopter and a whole lot of nothing”

“Alex we need to save him and soon”

“i know I know I was part of the mob you know”

“speaking about that...Alex would you tell me some things about the mob please”

he was quite for a while and I wasn’t so certain if he would response before I could tell him that he didn’t have to answer that he started to talk..

“well what do you want to know?”

“i want to know..everything”

“well that would take way to long”

“well then what about when you and Max met”

“oh you picked a good place to start that is actual a funny story”

“well it all started when we bothhave to go through training”


“yeah, even the mob has to go through training and they have groups go through at a time and me and Max went throught the same time”

“ok then”

“anyway”clearing his voice a little more to get her attention back to her story.

“me and him were paired together to do this training situation where we had to get this suitcase across town without being seen and be back in forty-five minutes”

“that doesn’t seem so bad”

“well add people chasing you ,guns and the other groups all trying to get their suitcase before the time ends.”

“well then that seems a little harder”

“yeah just a little,so me and Max were getting into the car and he wanted to drive but I also wanted to drive so we fought over who was going to drive for a least five of those forty minutes”


“anyway...he ended up driving which was different”

“why he is a good driver”

“you met after mob Max who goes the speed limit but during mob days he loved going twenty over the speed limit”

“so he was a speed demon. wow! I guess I didn’t know as much as I thought I did about Max”

“well you do that was just Max before the mob. He was more of a dare devil”

“so what happened”

“well we began to talk a little while in the car. We talked about the plan and it became more personal..before we knew it we were there and it looked like before any of the other teams”

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