chapter twenty-five

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I had almost got completely changer before Max was knocking on the door to come into the room once again.

“Can I come in now”?

‘Alex went over to the door and quickly opened it and shut it again right in Max’s face.

“You can wait five more minutes so she can get fully dressed”

I heard a groan come from the other side of the door.

All I had left to do was put on my shoes and touch up on my hair which I could do in the bathroom across the hall/ but I didn’t want to mention all that to Alex who was dead set on not letting Max in.

“Alex, I am done will you let him in now”

“I guess,” he said with a groan.

“Max you can come in if you close your eyes so she can get out without you seeing her deal?”

“Sure, just let me change already”

And just like that Alex opened the door to a closed eyed Max as I made my way to the bathroom.


“Was it that necessary for me to be locked out of the room al day”



“Because Jessica wanted to look perfect for you and I wanted to get on your nerves”

“I should of figured as much”

“well go get changed you guys have a very important date to go on”

“Yeah no kidding”

I made my way to the bathroom to change into what I was going to wear for this date.

“Are you nervous”

“Of course I am nervous “

“Why would you be? She is in love with you Max we all know she is going to say yes”

‘I know but it just I have a little doubt in my mind telling me that she wouldn’t want to be with me because all the mob stuff”

‘That stuff will end soon. I just want you to focus on tonight. So where are you taking her”

“To the dock by the river”

“That is going to be perfect”

“I know.hey I wanted to tell you thank you for getting along with her”

“Yeah we just started to see eye to eye today and it was nice to have a good friend with you”

“What about me”

“A friend that is a girl Max”


“Are you almost done cause I am pretty sure she is”?

“Yeah let me get downstairs and then you can tell her to come down”

“One more thing Max”


“Will you act really surprised when you see her”

“I always do”


M hands were growing sweaty when I started to come out of the bathroom after giving the ok to go by Alex. I walked down the stairs to see a very handsome Max waiting for me by the door. My breath was taking back by the way he looked at me and how handsome he did look I couldn’t keep myself from smiling so big at him.

He took me into a hug where he whispered into my ear

“I love you”

And we were off on the date.

It didn’t take long to get there and it was quite magically. The sunset was behind the dock the river waves rippling through almost giving a calm effect. I breathed in that so familiar scent.

“It is so beautiful out here Max”

“I thought you would like it”

“I do”

“Well do you want to eat first?”

“Yes please”

And we sat there and ate dinner in peace while the sun went down.

“Jessica there has been something I been meaning to say to you”

“Yes Max”

“I have been thinking and I don’t want to be to sudden in this and all but umm you know how I have wanted well you know that umm”

“what is it Max”

His response was drowned out by a car going by.

“Well Jessica you know love you right?”

“Of course I know you do”

‘and I know that you love me and I have been thinking about this a lot lately an everything that has been happening with the mob I want you too know it isn’t your fault right”


“Well I wanted to ask you one question and one question only”

“You know that I love you just as much as I loved you the day we first met and how we were friends and then we turned lovers. Don’t every forget as much will happen with the mob and everything that I love you and I w-w-ant you to marry me”

I was in utter shock even though I knew it was coming I didn’t think that he would do it tonight. I couldn’t wait to give him my answer.

But before I could I saw a man come up to us in that mask that haunts my dreams.

“Hello again”

Before I could utter a scream I was hit in the head and slowly drifting off to sleep as the men pulled Max away and swung him into a car as black as the night.

I tried to scream but my body couldn’t let out the sound as I started to drift to sleep seeing the engagement ring sparkling in the grass as my world went black.


Yay more excitement. I really like this chapter even thought it was hard to put the Kidd napping in but I did even though I don’t think it follow but oh well. Well he asked her to marry him. Yay! But… then he was kidnapped. Ohh well talk to you guys soon

And notice I am going to try very hard to stick to a schedule .so that I can update more frequently

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