Chapter 39

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It was weird to think that I would be married to Jessica in exactly two week’s time. I was excited about the upcoming marriage but Jessica was everything but. She was running around like her head cut off trying to figure out where we would have it and all the above.

“So what colors do you like best?”

We were currently in our living room with parts of cloths around us so Jessica could pick the color of our wedding with my help of course.

“The one that isn’t revolting to look at” Alex muttered from the love seat opposite us.

“Alex” Jessica warned him, He turned his head back to his magazine now ignoring our whole conversation.

“Maybe Alex has a point” As soon as the words came out of my mouth Jessica gave me dagger eyes.

“He has nothing”

“Don’t pick the bright colors; we both like darker colors anyway”

  Jessica nodded her head thinking over what I had just said.

“That makes sense. What about a dark blue”

“why dark blue?” Alex muttered.

“Because I rather not admit this”

I pushed her a little with my elbow trying to make her tell us the reason why she picked dark blue.

“ok, it’s because the first time Max and I met  he was wearing dark blue and I thought he looked so handsome in it”

You could tell that she was embarrassed at what she had just admitted to us, seeing as how her cheeks became red.

“How adorable that is” Alex cooed at her.

“Shut up ok, that was embarrassing enough”

I tucked her hair behind her ear and leaned in close, whispering in her ear.

“I think it’s cute”

I threw my hands up in the air.

“Dark blue it is”

“oh brother, someone has a big head”

“At least I look good in dark blue” I said smiling at Alex.

  “Whoever said I didn’t look good in dark blue”

“I will be the judge of that on our wedding day” Jessica piped in on the fight between Alex and me.

“Can’t wait. To win” Alex muttered under his breath

“You already know that she will pick me because I am going to be her husband”

“That is irrelevant” Alex said seriously.

“Can we please get back to stuff that is important?”

“Yes my love”

“yes queen” Alex piped in.

Jessica once again rolled her eyes at Alex; I can already tell that this was going to be a long process.

“What else do we need to do?”

“Well we only have a week and a half left and I need to find a dress and a preacher to actually marry us. I need to find a place for us to get married and I need to get your mom here somehow and also put everyone on the guest list in a week in a half I don’t have time for your jokes (pointing at Alex).”

“Please settle down Jessica, you know everything will go perfectly fine”

I held her shoulders as I looked into her eyes, kissing the top of her head.

    “That’s what you think” She cried against my shoulder.

“If you don’t want this we don’t have to get married right now”

“ I am getting married a week and a half from now at the pier in the most beautiful dress with dark blue”

her eyes went from crying to looking to the distances memorizing her dream wedding.

I turned to Alex seeing as how I just pulled her back from the edge.

“see get her to stop crying but reminding her about her wedding seems to always work”

“sad part is that you can’t use that after you are married”

 “that’s what you think mister Alex but I can always bring back that day”

    “and how you ruined it I know you will”

“me ruin it, I think that will be you”

Jessica got out of her haze and turned to the two boys.

“What are you two fighting about?”

 “Could you warn someone when you do stuff like that?”

“What do you mean boys?”

“You were in la la land and you decided to come back during our conversation”

“oh” then she just walked away like we had said nothing to her.

“I worry about that girl sometimes” Alex looked at her in amazement when she walked away.

“And that right there is why I love her”

 “Glad someone does” Alex muttered under his breath running past me as I tried to hit him.

“I’ll be in my room if you need me”

“I’ll try not to”

 I turned to go up the stairs into my room when I heard laughing coming from it.

I turned the door knob to see Alex and Jessica on the bed looking at magazines.

“Max you can’t be in here”

I went over to her snuggling my head in the crook of her shoulder and her neck.

“Max go!”

“Why, what is the big secret”

“I am having an emotional melt down that’s it”

“you would want me instead of this loser”

“Yes I do but...”

“That sounds good. I do”

“It does”

She hits her nose with mine smiling at me, and then she remembers that she was trying to hide something from me.

“Wait you aren’t supposed to be up there. Go!”

“I need to know why then I will leave”

   “Cause I am picking out my wedding dress ok?”

“Well then I will leave”


She smiled at me still when I was almost out of the door.

She mouthed the words “I love you”

I couldn’t help but smile, man I was turning into a girl.

I mouthed them back before I shut the door to our room.

I couldn’t believe that in a couple month I had fallen in love with a girl, ran away from the cops, and the mob, and now I am marrying her in a week in a half.

“Time goes by fast” I whispered to myself.

How right I was this time last year I was still in the mob, look how much my life had changed in a year.

Because of a girl...

I am sounding like a girl more and more every day.

Oh brother

….Author’s Note…

Hope you enjoy this chapter!!  Whoo! 39!

See you next time…

Only nine or so chapters left!! I can’t wait for you guys to read the ending that I have planned!!!



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