chapter twenty-two

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this is deciated to my best friend for telling me this story had to go on and that it was her favorite and that it was good enought to write. thank you for giving me hope for this story when i thought there was none.


That night me and Max walked home and they shooed me away from the kitchen so that they could come up with there next move and they didn’t want to scare me.

I walked up the stairs half way so that they couldn’t see me but I could see them.

“I think we should just go for it what do we have to lose Max”

“one of us.we couldn’t help but be scared if one of us is seriously hurt”

“yeah but do you want to live in fear all your life”


‘don’t you want to be able to marry jessica someday and have kids and be happy. In this life style you cant do any of that because you know what would of happen one of you would end up dead”

I blushed that Max had thought of getting married. But I knew that Alex was right we had to stop this soon.

I went up stairs not wanting to hear the rest of the argument when I heard the boys go out the front door slamming twice. I wondered if it got badly heated that they had to go outside. I drifted off to deep sleep not wanting to wait for the boys to come back.


Max had brought me outside so we wouldn’t disturb his precious Jessica . we were getting in the car hoping that none of the gang members could hear what we were planning. And Max already had gotten out of the car twice to see if the doors were locked.

He was coming back to the car sliding into the drivers seat and we were off again. Talking about the same subject we had talked about for days on end.

‘you already know how I feel about the situation there isn’t anything more to dicuss . we are never going to agree”

“Alex why cant you see how I feel about the situation”

‘cause I am not in your situation. I don’t have someone who loves me like you love her. The girl I loved she took off not wanting anything to do with me.”

“Alex we both know that she still loves you no matter were she is right at this point”

“you see though I know she doesn’t I remember the whole thing like it was yesterday the last thing she said to me was” I never picked to be in this lifestyle and I don’t want to end of dying due to something you did before”

“that doesn’t mean she doesn’t love you”

“yeah it does she never looked at me the way Jessica looks at you. She looks at you like she just one the prize and she doesn’t care what is going to happen expect that she is going to spend the rest of her life with you”

“that’s what you think”

“why don’t you just ask her already”


‘ask her,ask her to marry you”

“its not the right time not just yet”

‘put you guys are so madly in love with each other why not”

“I want some of this to settle down before I ask her something important like that Alex. timming is everything”

“I would know”

“what did you say”


and just like that the car was silent again. We were cooking in all the things that was said. Max did make a point but I couldn’t let my self think that she still loved me. I had to let it go cause obviously we weren’t meant to be. I guess not all love stories could be as great as Jessica’s and Max’s.


I heard the door creek open thinking that it was the boys I woke my self up a little to greet Max in bed.

I rubbed my eyes to get the sleepiness out of them .


no answer

“alex ?”

no answer.

I slowly began to get out of bed worried of what had happened to them. I went down the stairs as quietly as I could . I saw the door opened but something wasn’t right about it. The door looked like it had been tampered with the pain. The lock had definitely been messed with as it hung limp from the handle. I turned around ready to fly up the stairs and wait inside the closet for the boys to come back and save me. as I went to turn around I saw a mask before I was hit in the head . falling to the floor I saw the same blue mask staring down at me as my head started to bleed.


I really like this chapter and I think I will bump the end of the chapter to like 35 so I can get everything I want to get in . there will be a sequel though before anyone asks

. thanks for reading this chapter I hope you enjoy it.

Love you guys


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