Chapter 37!!!!

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I was more than a little nervous about the date. This would be the first date that we have had, well one that either me or Max wasn’t kidnapped in. Max made all the nervousness go away when he put his hand on my knee and gave me one of his silly smirks. He was so handsome with his hair in face and his shirt slightly undone.  I hoped that I and Max could be together forever because if I ever lost him I wouldn’t know what to do with myself.

Max told me to keep my eyes close as I felt him put into park. I was a little nervous not knowing where we are. I smiled at him knowing that he would keep me safe. But for some reason I couldn’t stop the feeling that maybe just maybe it would be like last time we had gone on a date.

“Don’t be worried” he wrapped his hands around her shoulder lovingly bringing him closer to her.

“I’m fine; I have been looking forward to this date forever”

“Me too” taking her hands into his, he smiled at her which made her feel so much better.

“So why did you want to take me here?”


The question completely threw Max off. He didn’t know what to say.

“I can’t take my girlfriend out just because I want to”

“you can but you wouldn’t do it if it meant putting us in danger”

“ you are good. I wanted to bring you here for a dinner by the lake”


Her laugh sent me over the edge. I was gaining courage as the date progressed. I couldn’t wait to see her face when she saw how romantic the night would be.


The night went well. At least the dinner portion did. I was going to ask her soon but I had to build up to it.

“Do you want to go put our feet in the lake?”


Taking off her shoes she followed me to the edge where the dirt and the water meet. I was hesitant first but seeing her dip her feet in right away made me want to. I was taking off my socks went I felt the cool liquid splatter on my clothes, giving her the meanest look I could give her without laughing I scoped up some water also splashing it on her dress.

“That isn’t playing fair Max”

“Who ever said that I was up for playing fair?”

Then it happened we had a splashing war which both left us drenched. Jessica couldn’t look any more beautiful though her once straight hair curled up due to the water. Her make-up slightly running making her eye shine a deeper color then before. I couldn’t love her more than I do now. I had to ask her in this moment it was more than perfect.  I patted my back pocket but nothing was there, I turned into a panic patting all my pockets down. There was no ring, I was utterly screwed.

“I have to go back to the car:”

“ok I will go with you”

“no. no it’s ok I’ll do it alone”

I ran back to the car, trying to look in every nook and cranny of that car to find the ring.

“Is everything ok?”

Bumping my head on the top of the car I turned to see Jessica smiling at me.

“Yeah I got it”

placing her hands on my shoulders and her head on top of them looking as to what I was doing.

Getting nervous that I wouldn’t be able to find it. I turned to her taking her hands in mine.

“Honey can you please go back to the lake and I will meet you there.ok?


She wasn’t very happy; I wouldn’t be either but the thought of me not asking her tonight just seemed wrong in my book. I had to get it for her there wasn’t a better time than now. And just like something was finally on his side he found it under her seat the one place he didn’t bother to look.

I took it back down to the lake, thinking of my speech that I was going to tell her but something I knew was it would come to me.


Max was being more than weird but she figured out why, way before he even had to mention it to her. She was happy though that was going to ask her finally. She was ready to finally be with Max forever. He came back scared and sweating and she knew that he was about to ask her.

“Jessica I have to ask you something?”

“What is it Max?”

“We have been on the run forever-that it’s not what I should start with…I have loved you for. No to cheesy just wait one moment”

putting my hands on his shoulders and giving him a small kiss on the cheek.

“Tell me how you feel”

“I love you...i have since the first day we talked. I knew that all I wanted was you. You stayed with me after you were kidnapped and almost killed multiple times and you don’t care about my past. I love how we can be silly together and it is easy for us. I can’t see myself with anyone other than you so Jessica wills you marry me?”

“Do you really have to ask me that question? Of course I will”

picking her up in a tight hug and spinning her around like she was a small child. He kissed all over her face before he set her down and put the ring on her finger.

“I have to get home and show Alex”

“you think he hasn’t seen it or helped me pick it up”

“well I was going to give you the benefit of the doubt and say you did it all by yourself”

“I think you did because you are just that kind of boyfriend”

“thanks I am glad I am”

“it’s a good thing”


Not too long later I stepped into the house to see Alex drinking coffee which he usual doesn’t drink.

“Look at the ring”

“it beautiful, glad that you like what I picked out”

“I do you have such good taste”

Later that night right before all of us was going to bed me and Max both tucked you under the covers.

“Max, I love you. I don’t ever want to take this ring off”

“Don’t. For as long as you live”

wrapping his hand with mine.

“I promise.

“No matter what happens to us”

“no matter, I always know that you will be there for me. “

“And how do you know that?”

“I have the ring to prove it”

Thanks for reading! Hoped you enjoyed this chapter of Colors of love!!!


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