Chapter 43

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it was the day of the wedding and i was a little scared that I had'nt gotten a phone call or anything from Max or Alex. 

His mom was'nt all that happy about the situation,seeing as how the day her son was getting married he wasn't even here. I had to calm myself down so that i could get ready.

"anything?" Max's mom said peaking her head around the door frame.

"nothing" i said a little breathless.

"I am going to kill that boy" she muttered under her breath leaving the room.

"i hope that they are here soon" i whispered to myself.


I woke up in the middle of the woods by the old tree with a tire hanging from it, then it hit me,My bachelor party Alex took me to relive some memories.

I smiled looking up at the sun,and then turning to see Alex sprawled out and snoring beside me.

After some time of looking up in the sky and thinking stuff out in my head, I remembered something important.

"Alex wake up"

I shook him trying to wake him up, we had to go get ready.


"i am getting married today"

"crap,what time is it Max?"

I did'nt care at this point i needed to get back to the house before anyone realized we were gone.

"lets go!"

we jumped into the car and probably went ten over the  speed limit before we got to the house. 

"do you think you are in big trouble?"

"i hope not"

I told him before stepping out the car and slowly trying to go to the front door, i opened it trying to remain quiet before i got caught but that plain was screwed when my mother was standing in front of me not looking to happy.

"you are late and we only have three hours until the wedding"

"I'm sorry, we did'nt have an alarm clock"


'I am going to go tell Jessica that I am here, and that I am sorry"

"no you are not" she told me grabbing my arm and pulling me back down the few steps.

"why not?"

" Becasue,  you can't see the bride until she walks down the dock "

"can i send her a text message then " 

"i guess"

"why are we sticking to tradition when we are not even traditional?"

" Becasue, I want my son to have everything i can give him. You are the only kid i have left"

I felt bad after questioning her, she was right I was her only son and i was getting married she should have every reason to have it how she wants.

"i love you mom"

"love you too Max, no go get ready"

"what if i see Jessica?"

"wont happen, All your stuff is in Alex's room and she has everything she needs in your room"

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