Chapter nineteen

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I thought I woke up in the house but I was proven wrong when I breathed in the smell of hospital. I sighed that could only mean one thing that I passed out and then I would have to tell Max about the panic attacks.

I heard what I thought were Max and Alex in the far corner of the room discussing something. I could only catch a few sentences of their argument as my eyes felt heavy once again.

"The letter was a warning"

"It doesn't matter"

"You want to put all our lives in danger of this"

'You use to care about more than just Jessica"

"im sorry that she is someone I care about not like you who is willing to sacrifice us all."


Once again we were taking care of Jessica. I love her like a best friend but I am starting to think saving her wasn't the brightest idea.

Max refuses to let me tell him what we should do. We should just go to the mob center and talk to the boss. We were brothers one hey wont be able to kill us but Max wants to wait it out so that the mob will know are every location and we will never be safe again. If he wanted to save Jessica so bad he would do something he doesn't want to. They will fight any way about it and also about her panic attacks. Then they will break up and then he will have to go with my plan.

I had to leave the room. I heard Jessica sigh she had to be getting up soon. I also left cause I couldn't take Max anymore he didn't see it the way I did. He doesn't realize that the mob has changed since he has been a member.


I opened my eyes again and realized that Alex had left and Max well he looked pretty mad.

"What's the matter?"

He jumped at the sound of my voice I guess he didn't think I would be up for a while. I chuckled and he came over and gently put an arm around me.

"Me and Alex are fighting"

"Over what"


'What about me" I didn't want the two to fight over me they both mean so much to me. I was worried what if Alex didn't want to be with us anymore and turned back to the mob.

"Is there something you aren't telling me Jessica" I couldn't look at him I knew exactly what he was talking about and I didn't want to answer him I tried to look everywhere but at him but he catch my face and made me focus on those eyes of his.

" Something about panic attacks" he added with a smirk growing on his lips. He was going to make me tell him everything. I cleared my throat sifted slightly and then began "I have had panic attacks ever since I was kidnapped usually once a week. Alex has helped me ever since the first one'

"Why didn't you tell me sooner"

There was the face the look of hurt and question.

"I was scared" that was the best excuse I could give him. "When Alex knew exactly what was happing and I didn't it was comforting knowing someone could help me."

"Why couldn't you wake me up when he had a panic attack"

"You really don't realize what is happing and then you kind of black out and by morning I was ok. I am surprised you haven't seem some of them were I was screaming" I tried to joke but Max's face was heavy with worry

"I promise I am ok"

Trying to help him see that I am not picking Alex over him.

"When you are having something like hat I would like to know "

His voice was soft and again filled with guilt line worry.

"I don't know if I can promise you that. I just didn't want you to feel bad about the kidnapping anymore than you already do"

"I am always going to blame myself for that. There is nothing you can do to stop that"

'Ok" I was annoyed couldn't he just drop the kidnapped thing. I was fine and it was over.

"I need to go find Alex "

"What were you guys fighting about earlier" his face went red and I knew he was about to lie to me again. I knew they weren't fighting over me.

"I told you already"

I rolled my eyes. Strike one for Max.

'Tell me the real reason"

He sat back down on the bed and took my hands in his

"Well you know that letter you found before you passed out'

"Yes" reliving the blacking out part once again.

"Well the letter was from the mob" I felt my body tense up once again. Why did the mob care so much about them they were out of the picture?

"Its ok.we were just discussing what we should do and we got into it"

"Oh I am sorry Max" I rubbed his hands gently. His face went back to a panic look and he quickly jumped from the bed.

"What is the matter"?

"I need to find him before he does something dumb with that letter"


'I cant tell you right now Jessica but I will I promise" he kissed me on the forehead as I giggled and smiled at him.

Before I could even utter a reply he was out the door

"Ok' but it was way to late and once again I was alone in a small hospital room.


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