Chapter 21

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"How did you get this number?" I screamed into the phone.

"Simple actually I just had to was ask"

'Who did you ask"

"The one and only mob boss"

My hands went cold. Of course the mob would still have eyes on me and not jus because we are on the run.

"Max its ok we know where you are who you are with."


'We are in the mob Max don't doubt us"

"What are you going to do"?

"Kill you all"

Then the phone went dead.

My thought went to Jessica who was just in the other room.

Alex who was looking at me lost and scared.

"What happened"?

"He said he was going to kill us that is what happened" my voice boomed through the house as I threw the phone across the living room.

"What are we going to do Max'

'I don't know"

"I still think we should go and see what they are up to maybe we could talk to them or we could uh I got nothing"

"There isn't anything we can do Alex cause they will just find us and kill us "

A new voice added to the conversation from on top of the stairs.

"We are going to die aren't we?" I don't think she asked this as a question more of a statement that we in fact are going to die.

"Jessica, we aren't going to die anytime soon. I promise you that"

"You said anytime soon which means that we are going to die. The mob is after us and we are going to die,"

"Don't think so negatively"

"How can I think positive in this situation I am being carted around to safe yourself from what's going to happen which is we are going to die. When I told you I would run away with you I never expected it to end like this. Or for that matter is like this. I cant live my life like this I know you guys are experts but I cant this is not what I want in my future."


It didn't matter she stormed off slamming the front door with enough force to shake the house.

"Damn" was all Alex could say. I had to talk to her mostly before the mob got to her and take her away again.

" Ill goes try and find her Alex stay here if she comes back."

Max she isn't coming back anytime soon. Give her some time by herself to think it over"

"She cant you have seen the mob is out for us she cant be by herself I wont let that happen again"

'I understand Max but give her ten minutes and then you can go find her"

He was right she needed time to cool off before I could talk to her without screaming at each other.

"You are right"

'I know Max"

So I sat there thinking of what I could say to make it better but nothing could make this better nothing.


I had to get away from everything it seemed like we would never get away from the madness. I didn't want to deal with the mob anymore I didn't want to move anymore. I just wanted to be with Max and Alex living a normal life but I guess that can't happen when your boyfriend is and ex-mobster and so is his best friend. I couldn't leave them if I tried it just seemed like we run around in circles not really knowing where we are going or what we are doing next. The fact that I can't go outside by myself killed me; I had no freedom until they could do something about the mob. I was going to start walking back it had to be at least ten minutes since I left the house and I knew both of the guys would start to get worried I didn't walk that far when I heard bushed rattling. I sucked in a deep breath afraid that if I let it out someone would hear me. I walked more and more and the footsteps went from walk to a run and I was about to run until they called my name. It was the one and only Max.

"If you ever do that again I will kill you my self"

"You couldn't"

"Why is that"?

"You love me to much too" she couldn't disagree with that fact she does love him.

"I am still mad "

"I know" was all he said when he threw an arm around my shoulders.

'I don't know if I can do this any longer Max"

'I understand and you are free to just go. I will give you some money so you can be on the next flight home"

"Now you don't want me here"

"I want you here more then anything cause then I will know you are safe"

"I don't want to leave you. Why cant we just go back and live a happy life and be like normal couple"

"There is a couple things wrong with that picture. First you know we can't go back. Second I will go to jail and then we ant live a happy life third we aren't a normal couple."

"You are right"

"I know" he kissed the top of my head and it was all I could to keep myself from crying.



"Do you ever think that we could live happily ever after?"

"There are no such things especially not for couples like us."

"You are right why did I even ask"

"But that doesn't mean that we won't be together "

"You do have a point"

"Just remember when everything is going wrong or if the mob does find us and tries to kill us that I love you and I will always love you"

"I know Max it just seems like we are going in circles and there is no way to get out"

'Ill tell you the truth there is not way out. We just have to wait"

"I was afraid you would say that"

"I'm sorry"

"Don't be"

"I am the one who dragged you into this mess and everything else. You got kidnapped and almost-"

I but a finger up to his lips to silence him and kissed him once again.

"But if you hadn't gotten me into this mess I wouldn't of known you were there all along and I wouldn't of fell madly in love with you"

"Madly in love" my cheeks turned red as I realized I said madly in love I had another case of word vomit.

"I meant to say in love not madly"

"So you aren't madly in love with me" he gave me sad eyes as he pointed to himself. I buried my face in my hands why did I have to say madly.

"Cause I am madly in love with you"

He took my hands away from my face and made sure I was looking at him.

"Don't be embarrassed cause chances are I feel the same way about you"

I blushed again this time out of joy that he was seriously in love with me.

"Then I take it back I Jessica Marth is madly in love with you Max"

He cracked a smile as he took my hand and led me back to the house.

I could only wonder what Alex was going to say.


So this story has taking a back seat to everything else mainly because I don't know what I am doing with it yet but I hope you enjoy it and see you next time.

Love you guys


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