Chapter 38

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I woke up the next morning seeing Max beside me looking so young with his hair messy and his face looking so peaceful. I couldn’t believe that we were now engaged. I turned my ring around in my fingers; the ring was beautiful and glistened in the sun coming from the window. I couldn’t believe now that I had to plan a wedding it was a much better than being scared.

“Good morning”

Suddenly hearing Max’s voice scared me a tad bit, especially when I was deep in thought about the wedding and such.

“Morning Max”

“What is on your mind baby?”

He looked so handsome with his eye half open still heavy with sleep, He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me towards him.

“Wedding plans”

“already? You do realize we have time to get married?”

“Yeah I guess. I just don’t want to run into you know who again”

“they are gone probably moved to a new location, they don’t care about us anymore”

“but what if the police come and try to arrest you and they could arrest me-

Max cut me off with a kiss; maybe I was just being silly Max was right we had time.

“Don’t worry about anything…”

I went to kiss Max loving how easy our relationship was, the best part was that I didn’t have to worry about anything anymore.

“I’ll come back later...I didn’t realize you guys were having each other for breakfast”

Turning my head to see Alex sitting in the doorway, of course he would say something like that.

“Really Alex you had to go there”

“you guys were so I had to comment “

Rolling my eyes at a typical Alex ruining a moment between me and Max once again.

“You are lucky that I love you”

“Hear that Max you have competition”

“I beg to differ on that, I am the one who put a ring on her finger”

“You got me there”

I laughed at the two boys making their way downstairs to have breakfast. I was so glad about everything that happened even though it was hard getting here I wouldn’t have it any other way.

“I have a gift for you Jessica”

“really? You do”

“yeah, why is it so surprising that I gave you a gift”

“Just give me the gift”


He hid the gift behind his back, telling me that I had to close my eyes and put my hands out for it.

He placed the gift in my hands; I turned it in my hands before I opened my eyes.

“It’s a magazine?”

“A bridal magazine”

“thank you Alex”

“I thought that you would need them now that you are getting married soon”

Putting the book on the table and turning to the two boys I made up my mind.

“I want to get married at the end of the month”

Both boys looked at her surprised, she expected this type of reaction.

“That is only two weeks away”

“I know”

“why so sudden”

“because I don’t want to waste another moment...i want to be married already “

“I think I am going to barf”

“shut up Alex”

“Feisty little thing this morning”

Max finally cut into the conversation, hoping that he didn’t think it was a bad idea like Alex did.

“I think it’s a great idea”

“Really?” I had said.

“Really?” Alex had piped in not believing his best friend.

“Yeah, Jessica is right we should get married as soon as possible”

“Well let’s get started”

“What do we start with?”

“Where do you want to get married Max?”

“That’s easy the same place we got engaged”

“Sounds like a great idea”

I smiled at Max, I am glad he liked my idea of getting married sooner than later.

“Who do we invite?”

“Umm...i guess we have our witness right here”

“we will get your mom down here. We also need to get a minster to marry us”

“that is going to be hard seeing as how I am wanted”

“let me think”

“you could just go to Vegas nobody will suspect you there”

I and Max looked back at Alex it wasn’t the worst idea that he had come up with but it wasn’t the best. What would Max’s mom say if we eloped, I didn’t want her to be mad at me already since we have only met once.

“I don’t like that face, that clearly means that you are thinking about it”

My cheeks got red of course Max was going to know that she was thinking about it.

“I want you to have a wedding...i want us to have a real wedding”

“no eloping” I questioned his previous statement

“no eloping” Max had said firmly

“Darn, I wanted to go to Vegas” I turned toward Alex who had ruined the moment once again with his statements.

“Why is that so you can gamble?”

Cupping his chest like he had just been shot he came closer to me.

“That really hurts”

“but it is so true”

He shook his head approving, I wondered sometimes how I could live with these two boys. One I loved with all my heart and the other was like a big brother who always had a joked to say to lighten the mood.

“Back to more important things”

“like what?”

“The wedding” I had told Alex like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“What else is there to talk about?”

“Everything” I said like it was the most obvious thing.

“Oh brother”

“You have two weeks to endure all this “

“I can’t wait for all the fun” Alex said putting his hands in the air.


I know that it has been forever for me to upload anything for this story and I am sorry about that. Anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter!!

I am thinking maybe ten or so chapters left!!!


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