Chapter eighteen

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It felt weird actually being called Max's girlfriend. I looked down at the promise ring he gave me. Showing me that I was safe even though there was madness all around me. Nothing had happened since I cot kidnapped and I guess that was a good thing but when Alex and Max where gone I felt like I was back in that small room. I had to lock the doors for the panic attacks not to happen. I felt so alone and scared until they would come back and I would leap into Max's arms and Alex would make a joke. I knew something would happen sooner or later. Something good couldn't keep up for long. Once again we were sitting home planning on where we would move next and then it happened the good turned into the worst.

"Max what was that noise"

"Jessica I don't hear anything"

I swear there was something but I didn't want to fight with Max about it.

But then it happened again.

'I am not lying to you Max. Will you please go check what it is"

"Ok, ok I will"

He gave me a small kiss before he left for the front door with Alex trailing behind him.

They were only gone for a couple of minutes but it seemed like ages till they came back inside

"There is nothing out there sweetie "

"Nut case' Alex said in a whisper

"I heard you Alex"

Max looked at both of us with a funny look and then returned back to where they were sitting.

Then I heard a loud crash of what seemed like it was coming from upstairs. That time both the boy heard it.

"Lets go upstairs all together"

"I think you should stay down here sweetie"

'Wouldn't I be safer by you"

"Could we just go upstairs all ready? Max just hold her hand goodness gracious took you guys twenty minutes"

"Ok we get it Alex"

All three of us swiftly climbed the stairs searching for the sound. I had to check our bedroom while Alex checked his and Max checked the bathroom.

I opened the door to our bedroom waiting for someone to pop out at me. When nobody did I checked the room and there was the broken glass window and a letter on the floor. I started to breathe heavy. What ifs ran through my mind? I had to get the others. I let out a scream that was just above my normal talking voice calling each of the boys name separately. They came rushing in. I didn't realize that I was lying on the floor until Max picked me up and tried to calm me down.

"Look there is a letter over here"

"Let me help Jessica first."

The voices were running together and soon I didn't know who was Alex and who was Max. I tried to keep my eyes open but I was beginning to feel quite sleepy and then my eyelids dropped and I felt numb.


I opened the letter quickly as Max was trying to help Jessica he became such a worrywart after he found Jessica. Truth is I was getting sick of it. He didn't care about the letter at all he cared about getting Jessica okay. I knew she just had a panic attack but he didn't know that. He didn't know that she has had one once a week since I saved her. She hasn't told him. I opened the letter surprised to see no other then the mob logo on the front. My own hands were shaking as I tried to unfold it.

My dearest brothers,

We know you have the girl and we are coming for you just a matter of time before we get all of you ...

And kill you.

Your dearest friends

The mob

I didn't know if I should show this to Max. What if he got scared and just moved us. Or better yet if Jessica knew she would have another panic attack. I took the not showing anyone the letter just now. We were safe for now. We just need to tend to Jessica and then Max and me could make a plan.


I tried to tend to Jessica. Or at least wake her up before I tried to move her. I wonder what is going on with her. She has never done this before. I saw Alex open the letter and saw his handshake and his eyes become weary as he read it. I knew it was from the mob and I knew that we were in trouble once again.


Hey everyone another chapter. I know his one isn't anything big but believe me something will happen. And if you have any ideas for this story please message me. thank you so much(I might make this into a contest)

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