Zombie Apocypse, Part 3:

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"Several hours or several weeks, I'd have the cheek to say their equally as bleak."
-Arctic Monkeys, Do Me a Favour

It's hard to be chipper during a Zombie Apocalypse. And the Hospital isn't helping. Stars, I don't even know what I expected. Basic hygiene? That's non-existent here. Kids from school and kids I don't know, lost and alone. At least I found Kai, and all my friends.
Thorne seemed to have sobered up. Somehow I couldn't tell, since he managed to be just as annoying.
He said Kai liked me. Liked me. Kai's ears turned red, and I uttered, "Uhuh."
I could've said something like, "Maybe you should stop licking him then," or even blushed too. It would've been a scene out of a movie. Where, even in the midst of terror, the two brave warriors fall for each other. Except, if this were a movie, I wouldn't stink of sweat.

We walk around the Hospital, looking for anyone else we know. But there's no luck.
Everyone looks the same: exhausted and bloody. Even if we're not zombies, we look the part.
Thorne mutters something about Cress, how he wished we'd all stayed together. Scarlet responds with a sort of soft annoyance, "I'm sure she'll be fine. Cress is smarter than all of us out together. She probably has the common sense to come here."

I need to take a moment.
I'm just sayin', if Kai was a Zombie, he'd be a pretty cute zombie. I laugh to myself, which catches Kai's attention.
Zip my lips and stare at the floor.
Get a grip.

Kai comes up close to me. If I could blush, I'd be the colour of Scarlet's hair. I guess he senses my fatigue, and the goosebumps up my arm. He wraps his arm around me. I think, the goosebumps aren't because of the cold, they're because of his face near my face (even if it's stained with blood.)
"We should sit down. The zombies have worn us all out," Kai groaned, "I never thought I'd ever actually have to say that."
"Okay." I whisper, almost smiling.

We find a small empty room, and settle against the wall. Everything blurs together like water droplets on dried ink. Kai, Thorne and I are instantly snoring. But Scarlet has other plans.
"Okay!" She says, sarcastically optimistic, "Action plan. I just texted Wolf. He's here too, and apparently, he's found Jacin and Winter."
"Wait..." I croak, "You have your phone?"
"Yes, Cinder," she laughs, "I keep it in my pocket. Like a normal human being."
Kai massages his temples, "I dropped all my stuff the second I saw a Zombie, and legged it. And!" he announced, "I think a normal human being would save themselves before they saved their phones.... and their guns. Which, may I mention, are illegal here. Where did you get that from?"
"Doesn't matter."
"Kinda does."
Scarlet's phone.
"It's Wolf," she says, "Oh my stars, no. No, no, no, no."
Tears well up in her eyes; she sputters out a cough and a cry at the same time.
"What? Scar? What's happened?"
She chucks her phone towards me, revealing a text she just received from Wolf.
Sorry for takin so long, Winter's not feeling too good. We've had to strap her down to a bed. She's been bitten. Doing all we can.
I'm on my way to u noe x
"Stars, Winter's a Zombie." I whisper.
Thorne wraps Scarlet up in a hug, something I never thought I'd see from the two bickering siblings of the group.

"Dad, for the sake of the stars! Let me out!" Must find my friends. Must find Thorne. I need to know they're okay. And I appreciate that my dad wants to keep me safe. Forever. But I'm sixteen now. And people are dying. I can help. Now is my time to help.
Yet I'm locked in a lab room because my dad is scared I'll get infected.
"It feels like I'm grounded, Papa. Please. I need to find my friends." I squeak. Sometimes I forget that I need to lower my voice, because I'm a strong woman, not a child. Just because I'm small doesn't mean I should feel small.
"I'm not a toddler. I'm old enough to make my own decisions. And my decision is to find my friends."
"Cress, sweetheart. I love you. I can't have you turning into a monster. Please just wait 'till I find a cure. I know I'm close."
My father isn't focused. The only words in which he bothers to look at me for is "I love you." And even then his mind is somewhere else.
"But my friends... they're here!"
"Wolf is going to get them, hunny. I'm sorry."
"If you're really sorry, you'd let me out. This is insane!"
"No," Papa interrupts, "It's parenting."

Hey everyone.
I just wanted to let you know that I read and appreciate all of your comments; they realllyyyy make my day.
I hope you enjoyed this. Xx

Okay now I need to rant.
A week ago, I finished Renegades. (No spoilers ahead btw.)
I just wanna day to the people who have read it.... THAT ENDING?!!!! (Can Adrian and Nova just kiss already!!! How can Marissa leave me soooo unsatisfied.)

Also, now I'm reading Call Me By Your Name.
I love it soooo much. Seriously, sooooooo much. You should totally read it.
And, to those who have read it... *apricock* mwhahahagaga.

Goodnight, everyone. Or... good morning, wherever ya'll are. Xxxxx
Much love, Evie.

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