R.I.P baby Selene

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"You know Rikan, I always liked that girl." Kayla climbed into the silky sheets and lay down next to her husband, who was reading a report on his port-screen. Rikan stroked back her hair and tipped up her chin, a bittersweet smile etched on his lips.
"Yes, dear. But we only met her once-"
"I'm good at judging people. I know... I just know she would have been different."
"Perhaps," he muttered, returning to the news report.
"You don't think..."
"Maybe. But what sort of monster would kill such an innocent, sweet three year old girl?"
"You never know: Levana's power hungry. She wants the entire universe under her control."
They lay in complete silence.
How could anyone possibly bring themselves to killing a toddler like Selene?
To Kayla, it made no sense. It was like her killing Kai. But those Lunars... especially Levana, she had a murderous look in her eyes. Selene was different. She was more.... Earthen. She was mature for a girl who had just turned three. It was as if Kayla had raised the girl herself. Selene was a true Queen.

Just months before: a small group of Lunar ambassadors, some aristocrats and -of course- Levana and Baby Selene had visited Earth.
First impressions? Well...
The aristocrats and ambassadors were rude and constantly used their power on the servants.
Levana was beautiful. And made Kayla feel terribly inferior. Rikan looked like he'd just seen a dead body, but he grabbed her by the hand and ignored Levana's charms and smiles and giggles and...
Then she saw Selene. The three year old girl was being carried by a maid and gaping at the skyline of New Beijing. The maid looked like Selene's mother, and Selene looked like a normal girl. A really cute, normal girl. Her hair was messily tied back in a blue bobble. She was wearing a quiet grey dress and unicorn shoes. Unicorn shoes. Obviously, she'd dressed herself.
"Hurry up!" Levana snapped at the maid, who's smile swept off her face as fast as her feet swept off the ground.
"Maja..." Selene began, addressing the maid, "Where are the domes?"
"We're on Earth, Your Majesty. They don't have domes here." The maid sounded like a mouse, her voice unnaturally an octave higher than any other human.
Levana clicked her fingers, "Silence!"
Her face softened and she smiled, making Kayla want to trust her.
No. No, it's not real.
Levana glided towards Kayla, Rikan, Torin and Kai. While the 'evil queen' greeted the emperor and empress with a regal nod- little Selene wiggled out of the arms of Maja, the maid, and skipped over to Kai. His ears were as red as Levana's lip gloss. Selene smiled sweetly and introduced herself.
"...Do you have a play room?" She said. Her speech was impeccably mature for a three year old, but she struggled slightly.
"Erm... er-" Kai shook himself out of a little trance, "Yeah... yes."
Kayla smiled, "You kids can go and play. Supper's at 6:00. Torin, dear, you can pick them up on your way. Of course... if that is okay with you, Levana?"
Levana snarled, "I suppose... we have a lot to talk about. Yes. Selene- don't misbehave." Levana had no kindness in her voice. No motherly love. It was as if Selene wasn't even related to her.
Oh, that poor girl. No mother.
Kai and Selene were escorted away by two maids, "I like your shoes..."


"She's what?!" Kai chocked on his cinnamon roll.
"I'm sorry, honey. I know you were friends with her."
Rikan stroked back a couple of stray locks of Kai's hair.
They sprung right back into place.
"B-but... I don't understand, daddy."
"There was a fire in her nursery. She didn't make it." Kayla picked up her son, he shifted in her arms and fiddled with her hair.
"She was vey nice," Kai said.
"Yes, dear."
He muttered, "That girl had im-pec-a-bel taste in shoes."

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