What's the password?

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This is set in between the end of Cress and beginning of Winter. enjoy!!

Kai's POV:
It all started when we heard Cinder scream.
It was short, but piercing and unexpected. I rushed down to the room we heard it from. I knew it was serious, Cinder didn't scream a lot.
As I walked down the hallway- Cress and Iko's heads peaked out of Cress' room.
"What was that?"
"Cinder- screaming."
Iko's eyes widened. We almost ran down the hall.
"Why Thorne?! I'll have to clean this all up, you know!"
"Awww! But Cinder-"
"Don't 'but Cinder' me!"
"What's going o-"
I almost fell with shock...
standing in front of me was the biggest and most magnificent pillow and blanket fort I'd ever seen.
"Where did you get all the blankets from?"
"I'm not tellin'."
Okay, I knew Thorne was a man-child... but, right now, he looked like an overgrown 5 year old.
The fort filled the entire room except from around the entrance.
We couldn't all fit.

Wolf came down the hall (eating a tomato) and asked: "What's all the fuss abo- oh. Really, Thorne... again?"
Cress and I turned simultaneously. "Again?"
"Can I come in?" I asked, curious about the inside.
"Of course, Your Kainess."
Cinder chuckled, and then remembered she was angry at Thorne.
"Can I?" Iko asked, still looking unimpressed.
"Nah. Boys only."
Wolf crawled in, as well.
"Oi! That's sexism, you pinhead." Wolf kicked Thorne in the side.
"Owwww. Ugh! Anyway, I'm not a sexist person. It's just the rules of the play ground."
"You mean little kid's silly opinions:
Ewww! Boys are gross. Girls are smelly!"
"Well... uh- yeah! But, I have a way you can come in too."
Cress' head peaked up.
Thorne grinned and Cress blushed.
"Guess the password..."
Cinder slumped onto a table.
"Fine. Er- Captain is King?"
"Ugh. No, Cinder. Be original."


Cinder's POV:
Original?! Be original? Wow.
"Give us a clue." I asked.
"Three words."
"So helpful."
Cress peeped up: "Cake is good?"
"Sorry, Cress. No."
She gets a sorry!
I turned to Kai. Thorne had whispered the answer into his ear. He chuckled. Was Thorne's childish behaviour rubbing off on him?
Please, dear stars. No!
But then regular Kai came back (if you can even call Kai regular.) He mouthed the words to me.
"Dressed the queen?"
"Er, no."
"Crumpets are queen?"
"No, Cinder. That's weird."
Kai pointed to Cress.
"Yes! I got it! Ha! Crescent is Queen."
Cress blushed instantly.
"What! How'd you guess."

Thorne swivelled around and glared at Kai. But Kai was now admiring the lamp in the corner.
"Lovely lighting choices..." he mumbled.
I crawled in, holding Cress' hand and dragging her with me. She stuck with me the whole time we were in there.

Iko played with Wolf's hair, attempting to make a braid. It failed. He kept on moving. I sat next to Kai. It was a nice change to sit and not talk about the revolution but to talk about other things like:
"Who's sassier: Cinder or Kai?"
"Me." "Me."
"Let's call Kai... Kiki. For when he's sassy."
"So we should call him Kiki all the time?"
"Who would win in a fight between Cinder and Thorne?"
Thorne gasped.
"How very dare you."
Cress giggled.
I turned to Kai and whispered: "You ship it?"
"Oh, I ship it, alright."
"What?" Thorne asked.
"Nothing." We said, simultaneously.

Hope you liked it! Xxxx

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