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I swear... I will do more than KAIDER. I think I might do KIKO then WOLFET then WINCIN then CRESSWELL. Okay, anyway... enjoy!
This is set a little after 'Something Old, Something New' where (spoilers) wolf and Scarlet get married and Kai and cinder get engaged! *fangirls:

Torin: "Emperor Kai and 'our future Empress'make their way back to the palace..."
"Millions of teenage girls heartbroken after last week's news: Emperor Kai proposed to Selene"
"We call her Cinder... oh no! Look at ME! Why do you keep on switching the cameras to them... they are royals! They get enough attention! ~Carswell Thorne, a close friend of 'Cinder' and Kai"
"Well, they MUST be in love. The ties between Luna and Earth are so very strong. This really can't be a relationship just for the publicity. They'd just be wasting time if it was"

Kai: "I guess passive-aggressive news reports are better than pure hate...?"
Cinder: "I think they're accepting the fact that I'm cyborg."
Torin: "And it's good that they know this definitely isn't for publicity"
Iko: "Hmmm... yeah. Moving on! Cinderhaveyoudecidedwhoisgonnabeyourmaidofhonouryet?"
Kai: "What?"
Cinder: "It's okay. I speak Iko."
She turned to Iko, smiling.
"Iko, I think I'm just going to have bridesmaids. Not a maid of honour- it would be too hard to decide. Obviously, the bridesmaids would be: you, Cress, Scar, Winter and Thorne."
Torin gaped, "...Thorne?"
Kai's face was as serious as politics as he turned to his adviser. "Thorne would rock a bridesmaid's dress... duh!"
Cinder chuckled at the thought of Thorne in a bridesmaid's dress.
"Well, actually, I think he might walk me down the aisle."
"What about Wolf and Jacin?"
"Like Cinder, I'm gonna have three best men: Wolf, Jacin and Thorne."
"I'm not so sure about that boy multitasking..." Torin said, worried.
"Believe me, Torin, Thorne is more excited than we are about this wedding"

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