Kiko: (part 2)

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I didn't know, but that brick would change my life. I spun as soon as I heard Iko gasp. My eyes widened at the scene my flashlight framed: Iko was a lifeless rag doll. Some wires around her neck were frayed and she was jumping, glitching, twitching, buzzing. The sight broke me. My heart jumped out of my chest and cracked and exploded and... stopped. Then started again.

Towering above Iko, a man half my height cackled at the destruction he'd caused. He looked as if he were wearing a bed-sheet as a shirt- and rightly so. He was so built that his muscles broke through the ragged, dirty cloth. He had a buzzcut, but it seemed as though he couldn't grow hair if he tried. His head was seared with burn marks and his face was ridden with scars. He had too much hair on his chest, which made up for his enormous bald scalp. His nails were dirty but cut into claws.
I was just about as jumpy as Iko. In fact, I was a living earthquake.
But, if it weren't for my seething anger- I would have anticipated my own death and crawled into a ball next to Iko to fade away into the dark, dark, dwelling night.
But I had to remember my duty. My job. My sister. My Queen. My responsibility. My heart.
My aching, confused, broken, splattered, invisible heart.
My heart. My heart.
My duty, my job, my heart.
The shaking ceased. I puffed out my chest and did the sensible thing- whatever Cinder would do. I elongated my time for purposes of thinking of a plan.
"Hey, big guy. Sup?" Even then, it sounded wrong coming from my mouth. For a brief, terrifying moment, I thought I was... Carswell Thorne.
"Sup? Sup?! I just knocked out your friend and all you can say is 'sup'?"
"Er- yeah, about that. I'm gonna need your help. The new Queen, Selene... Cinder. She doesn't want to hurt you. She wants to reunite you with your families; she wants you to fit into society. If she, a cyborg can: why can't you?"
The next thing I knew, I was up against the crumbling wall, daring to lift my hand to wipe away sweat.
"She's a Blackburn-"
"She's differe-"
"Look what she did to me-"
"Levana did tha-"
"I want revenge!"
"I understand how you-"
"You will nev-"
This time, it wasn't me who cut him off. He fell to the concrete floor. Standing in front of me, twitching, glitching, jumping, breaking: Iko. This girl was stronger than I anticipated.
I was blind. Of course Iko was full of surprises, that was her thing.
Maybe I judged her harshly. A pang of guilt shot me in the gut. Iko looked broken. I felt broken.
"I know-" twitch "-what you're thinking, Liam Kinney. But broken isn't the s-" jump "-as unfixable."
Then she fell again, and I only just caught her.
"Leave me. I'll be fine. I'll be here-" whir "-when you get back. Go find and take down the oth-"
"No!" I said, with too much force, "We'll come back later. But Cinder sent me to protect you if you need it. I'm getting you fixed- that's my main priority,"
"Okay, I don't sleep. But I'll sleep. I'll sleep right here. Goodnight, Cici."
I chuckled lightly, well- as much as anyone can laugh in a situation like this.
"I wish I were more like you, Iko." I whispered, even though she couldn't hear me.
"Haha. I-" buzz "-I heard that, sweetheart."
Stars, damnit!

I love writing this so much. Do you want me to write a third part..?

Suggestions! Story suggestions... ship suggestions. Xxx

Also, I've started reading Heartless. (I know, I know. I fangirl like me reading Marissa's book way after it was released. Sorry!)
Anyway!!! I love it. It's so good. Someone told me that one of the main characters dies. Maybe Mary Ann? Or... no! Nooo! Not Jest! Oh, I might cry now.
Lots of love...

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