Zombie Apocolypse. (All TLC ships)

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Warning: there's like a little bit of swearing. Sorry if that offends you, but I also don't care. And... there's two Heathers references in here, if you get me.
🧟‍♀️ 🧟‍♂️

Part 1/

Yeah, so...
I'm gonna be straight up. No bullshit here. Last week, my best friend and I accidentally started a Zombie Apocalypse. This story is not badass. It's not a thriller. It's pretty sad, in fact. 'Cause, at the moment, I'm sitting on a pavement outside an abandoned cinema, studying the severed head next to me. I can't tell if it's human or... well... zombie.
Sure, I'm sorry for ruining the world. But it's not entirely my fault.
It's Thorne's.

Thorne is a dumb kind of clever, clumsy but sweet. And he's my best friend.
It's ironic that we used to play Zombie Apocalypse in the forest near my house. (No? Too soon? Okay.) The trees were all the Zombies, and we had to run as fast as we could without slamming into one or tripping over a branch.
Basically: Who's The Most Stupid?
If you were the last to get to the other side of the forest, you became a Zomie. Then it was just kinda... tig. Or tag as Thorne would call it. He moved from L.A. to Manchester in when we were six. We sat next to each other in class, and we've been inseparable since.
We've been through everything together: my mum dying, physics tests, and... girls.

Two girls in particular:
Cress Darnel: Thorne's obsessed. I think Cress is scared of him since he's had his fair share of girlfriends and flings. But Cress is different...

Cinder Linh- I could write about this girl until Watt-pad tells me I have to start a new book. She's a good person, she's pretty- like wow pretty. But she doesn't try. Everything she does is effortlessly cool. She's smart: not just good grades, but general intelligence, which is worth more in value than getting A's. And we're almost dating. Almost. I just need to actually ask her if s-

Damn, I hope she's alive.
(Never thought it'd ever come to me thinking that...)

...I've gotten distracted. Cinder kind of does that to me.

Here's the reason Thorne and I (mainly Thorne may I remind you) started the Zombie Apocalypse:
It was 5th period, Biology, last Friday. Mrs. Jones told us to put some gloop and stuff in an agar plate. Here's a warning... DON'T BRING DIET COKE INTO SCIENCE LESSONS. It's probably right what they say about Coke messing up your brain, judging by this...

How to make a Zombie, I guess:
• A lid full of Diet Coke.
• Some of Thorne's dandruff. (It's a real problem of his.)
• Boring yeast Mrs. Jones gave us.
• My sneeze. (Yup..)
• Either Thorne's or my dry skin. (Probably Thorne's because I moisturise)

I know... disgusting.

Mrs. Jones left the agar plates out over the weekend and... BAM!
The school's is infected with about 50 zombies on Monday morning. The caretakers got bitten. The Zombies... reproduced (ew.) And they all multiplied. We went back to see our agar plate, only to find that the plastic had broken and some sort of plant was hanging out of the cupboard. I guess this is where the first couple of Zombies came from.


I'm sorry that these Zombie's are technically related to me.

But there's no more time for sorry. The Zombies are spreading like wildfire. They're roaming our city, smashing electricity lines to cut off our communications and killing people, turning people. It's up to the survivors to save the world from an Apocalypse.
(That sounded so badass, but it's not. I'm pooping myself right now)

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