POV (part 6):

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It felt like everyone's eyes were on her

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It felt like everyone's eyes were on her. She felt totally visible. Some girls snarled. Some girls look her up and down, then looked away. Two boys wolf whistled her; this lead to the guards 'calmly' escorting them out. Kai squeezed her hand and gave her a reassuring smile. He lead her onto the dance floor. She smiled.
Kai glided her around the room, her dress swirling and waving. Some of the girls who judged her before looked pretty impressed. Everyone was admiring her dress. She didn't notice anyone but Kai after that. As the songs changed and the dance style switched, their eyes were fixed on each other.
They didn't just danced, they talked and laughed as well.

"Ohh, oh. Kai... look at Cress and Thorne." Cinder stage whispered.
Kai turned his head. Cinder pushed it back immediately.
"Okay... switch sides."
They swirled.
Kai's face lit up. He looked like a little kid gossiping on the play ground. She could almost imagine his hair in pigtails.

As he turned, he saw Thorne stroking back a piece of Cress' hair and drawing her into a kiss.
Cinder giggled.
C: "Saucy."
K: "I bet I can do better."
It took a moment for Cinder to comprehend this. Then her eyes caught his. But that was only for a second.
He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into a kiss.
Some in the crowd stopped to look. Some actually respected their emperor's privacy and carried on with their business.

Cinder almost gasped. She was all too aware of everyone looking at her. She was all too aware of Kai's lips on hers. But she ignored everyone and everything but Kai.

She felt special and beautiful and loved.
That was all she could ever ask for.

Ha! I definitely beat Thorne there!
As they broke the kiss, Cinder smiled. Her arms were draped around his neck. The songs become slower. She ducked her head underneath his chin. They danced for a while.
But, at one point, Cinder's face expression changed. She tensed. She looked as if she wanted to run away. She almost squeaked.
He grabbed her face to catch her attention.
"Cinder. What's wrong?"
Her lips quivered. She gulped.
"I've got to go. They're here. They'll take me back. Kai, don't let them take me back."

Her step family.
What had they done to her?
Why was she so scared in their presence?
What hadn't she told him?

"Cinder. Calm down. They won't bother you if you're with me. Just enjoy the night. It's okay, really."
"Okay. Okay. Yeah, it's fine. They won't come over. They might not even recognise me. I bet they've already employed someone else. I won't let them ruin the n-"
But just as she was saying this, her step mother strutted across the dance floor, ignoring anyone who gasped or shouted back at her as she pushed them to the side. She broke Kai and Cinder apart.
"What do you think your doing here?! Who do you think you are? Where have you been the last three weeks?"
All of her confidence dropped. She felt as if she were back at the house that made her feel so lonely- the prison she had been trapped in for most of her life. She had finally.... finally madd her way out into a better world. She'd met someone who she belonged with. She was finally happy!
But her step family was going to take her away from all that she loved.
"Why are you dancing with the prin-- emperor?!"
She ran. Just like how she ran away from the prison. She always ran away from her problems. She felt pathetic and impotent. But still, she ran. She heard Kai shout for her. But she zoned out... she legged it out of that room.

"How dare you! How could you ever speak to anyone like that? Get out of my palace! Never come back. Now, that applies to all of your family. Steer clear of me. Steer clear of Cinder."
The woman looked as if she'd just seen a ghost.
"Err- I apologise, your Majesty. But, please. Give my daughter, Pearl, a chance. She's so pretty and s-"
"Oh, I'm sorry. Does it look like I'm searching for anyone? I'm only interested in Cinder. I told you to get out of this palace. Do you need some help? I have a guard who'd be very happy to 'escort' you out."
The woman bowed. But it was rushed and she ran away.

He charged after her.
He didn't care that he'd caused a scene. He didn't care that most people were looking at him.
He cared that his girlfriend had ran away. And, believe me, he knew how fast she could run.
He cared that the girl he'd been falling in love with was hurt.

Well, that was really long! Oh well. I really love writing. I really want to be an author. I love all the support. This is really fun. I know not a lot of people read these. It's just so nice when you do and I really appreciate all the wonderful things you guys write as well and what you say about my work. Thank you thank you thank you thank you.
Love y'all!

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