Kiko (part 3)

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Cinder was fuming. I mustn't have gotten as much sleep as I should've: I was hallucinating smoke clouds swirling around her ears. Her eyes were as wide as Luna. Cinder's face was a jigsaw where every piece was made up of horror, shock, sadness... betrayal.
I knew that face far too well for my own liking.
I had failed my Queen. I betrayed my duty. I had failed my Queen. I had failed Iko.
I was a failure.
"So you say she's- she's being tended to now?" Cinder's voice trembled out of the speakers on my port screen.
"At this very minute, Your Majesty. By the best person I could find. I'm so sorry, Selene. I understand if you wish to lower my ranking as your personal gua-"
"What?!" I jumped back at the shriek blaring through the device.
"Y-Your Majesty?"
"Why would I do that? You did all you could. If anything, I should be thanking you for not leaving Iko alone. She's too brave, you see. If you'd have left her, she wouldn't have stood a chance in that place on her own. And please just call me Cinder."
The weight of Luna was lifted off my shoulders, and I watched it flutter away back into the sky.
"Thank you. Thank you so much, Cinder."
"Okay. Make sure she'll be in tip-top shape for the Peace Ball next week. When Iko wakes up, give her my love, okay? I've got to go speak to Kai now," Cinder smiled mischievously, as if it were some kind of inside joke, "Give Iko something to fangirl about..."
"Of course," I laughed, "But I think it'll knock her out again."
Cinder chuckled, "Goodbye, Kinney."
"Your Majesty"


I pulled my hand through my hair, waiting for Iko to wake up. Reboot.
Waiting to see those eyes that change colour depending on her mood. Her mood, her feelings. It's fascinating. She has feelings, I'm sure. To be honest, she probably has more than me.
Well, at least she's in touch her mood. I was  just confused.

I knew only a couple of things for sure. My favourite: I really wanted Iko to open her eyes. I needed her to.
That's where it starts getting confusing. I don't know why...


My. Eyes. Tingled.
Everything tingled, every wire, every nerve, every joint, every inch.
And it was sensational, for I'd never felt like this before. It's like my bones were happy and laughed with me, smiled with me, fought with me.
My. Eyes. Opened.
And he was just inches away. Inches away. I could've d touch him. I could-
"Iko?" Kinney's voice cracked, ever so slightly, so so slightly. I told myself it was just a misplaced wire, I was imagining things.
Before I could even respond, he was by my side, looking down at me. Studying me. Inspecting me. Checking I'm Iko.
But the way he looked at me.
Something had changed.
I was no longer Iko. I was Actress Iko.
There was a spark in his eye that I'd never noticed before.
He'd changed.
But why?

I was Actress Iko. He was Actor Kinney.
And our movie would break the screen. Hollywood would worship us. We would become gods... of acting.
But still.

Kinney cleared his throat, and I realised just how stupid I am. I was just looking up at him... panting. And nothing else happenings. I don't even need to pant. It was getting weird.

"Um, Kinney," I nodded my head in his direction.
"Do you remember what happened?"
"I remember everything... hehe."
"Real mature..."
"Mature is my middle name, right after suave and daring."
"You sound like Thorne."
"I know. I was actually channelling him then."
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine."
"I don't believe you."
"I really don't care."
He shifted in his seat.
"I want to get out of here, Kinney."
He smirked, "That's good because we've got things to do..."
My eyebrows furrowed, "You have more leads on the pack?"
"No, not that. I have something special planned." He winked.
He winked. And I died right there, on the spot.
"Actor Kinney," I muttered, smiling to myself.
"Excuse me?"
"Don't worry about it," I said as I hoisted myself off the metal bed.
"You were dismissed from Android Dr.Solace a couple hours ago. We were just waiting for your systems to reboot." Liam fiddled with his jacket's buttons, but his face was neutral.

"You've changed."
"When you talk about me. An android. Your face doesn't grimace."
He started, "...Iko-"
"I prefer you now."


After a long 24 hours of re-stitching of skin tissue, worrying about my job, worrying about Iko and worrying about my armpit needing a good wash- I was immensely glad to sit down at a café near my... surprise for Iko.

Everything had changed. The way I looked at her. The little things I thought I would never notice, never mind care about.
The way she smiled at strangers and waved at children.
The way she walked and talked and sassed.... she got that from Kai and Cinder.
The way she laughed.
She was supersonic.
I never thought I'd care about what she wore. But everything just kinda seemed... perfect.
Like her hair, an ocean of navy and light blue, pulled back a little into a braid made of braids.
Like her eyes sparkling.
Like her jacket, with pocket compartments that hold sneaky tranquilliser darts.
I've changed. She changed me. I'm not complaining.

"So where are you taking me?" Iko asked, coking her head to see a poodle pass by.
"Tell me."
"We're going dress shopping," her eyes lit up at that, "Because you, Miss Iko, are going to the Ball."
"Oh, I almost forgot about it. It's next week! I'm so excited." Her eyes turned into rainbows... literally.
"Ah! There'll be dancing and singing and a live orchestra and... AHH!"
"Shh!" I laughed, "You're gonna scare that kid.
"KAIDER! Dancing, kissing, flirting. Then me... fangirling."
"I can imagine it too vividly. Don't you want to dance?"
"Oh! Are you asking? Because I have a type and-"
"Oh no... I didn't mean it in that way."
Then there was a long silence. Well, a silence from me. Iko was laughing so much I was afraid a wire would fry.
"You're blushing."
"Ugh! You're... you're-"
"I will spare a dance for you, Sir Kinney. Just one, though. For I'm afraid it will interfere with my meddling."
"You don't know the half of it."

Part 4.....
Question: Who's your favourite book character (not just TLC) and why??

Mines Cinder. She's badass and awesome and I really look up to her. AlsoIloveKai. Who said that??

Lots of love 💓💓

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