POV (part 3):

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Cinder had never felt this way before. She was really, really comfy. She was surrounded with soft, silky sheets. She was wrapped up in Kai's arms, his hold strong and reassuring. The sun slowly seeped into the horizon and brought light into the chambers.
Kai groaned, slowly awakening. His chest was warm and comforting. She stroked down his hair and pressed her lips against him.
"Good morning," he croaked.
"Good morning," she replied.
"I hope you don't mind. I couldn't exactly leave you in the gardens. And I wasn't planning to, anyway."
Cinder rolled her eyes.
"You can stay at the palace for as long as you wish: you really don't need to go back to being a maid."

A knock sounded at the door.
"I'll go and get that." Kai said, rolling out of the sheets of the bed.
Cinder waited- holding her knees.
Kai came back, his cheeks flushed and his eyes filling up with tears. Cinder immediately climbed out of the bed and almost ran to him.
"He's gone?"
"He's gone."
She wrapped him up in her arms- trying to comfort him. She couldn't imagine how helpless he was feeling. First, his father dies. Next, he has to care for an entire kingdom.
Cinder did everything she could: told him everything would be okay; he would make a great emperor; the kingdom was lucky to have him.
But he was devastated.
Since his mother died early in his life, it must've only been him and his father.
He lost the only constant thing in his life.
"The kingdom wants a ball - as soon as possible" he said through tears, "to celebrate his life and to announce me as emperor."
Cinder held him close until he breathed normally again. They just sat together- silence brooding and filling the room.
It gave Cinder a moment to think.

What would her step family be doing?
How could they live without her?
They can't even cook.
But it wasn't Cinder's problem. They were horrible to her. They deserved to go hungry until they learn how to slice bread. It was so kind and generous for Kai to offer her a room at the palace.
He was sweet. She couldn't stand seeing such a happy person so sad.

He couldn't believe anything that had just happened. He'd met an amazing girl just a day before; it was as if he were on top of the world. He'd brought her back to the palace; she'd only ever be down the corridor. It would be a lovely, blooming relationship.
Everything was going splendid.
Then his father died. Just like that.
Swiped from the face of the Earth.
His father had taken his last breath and Kai wasn't there by his side.... instead, he was off meeting this amazing girl who was holding him in her arms, comforting him.
Kai couldn't help but think it was destiny.
What the hell is destiny?
Destiny is something that is going to happen. Everything we do fulfils our entity and destiny.
He just wished... that his mother and father could've met Cinder.
The amazing girl, sitting next to him.

He half smiled. "I suppose I'll need a date to that ball then."
Cinder's face lifted. She looked pretty flustered... in a cute way.
Kai's smile turned to a grin... a really charming, large grin.
Again... he couldn't help it.
He sat up; stroked back her hair; grabbed her face and kissed her.
"Come to the ball with me."
"How could I say no?"
He kissed her again.

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