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The Freedom Burger:

I think I'm going to cry because of this burger. It's like heaven. Juicy and perfect and salty but sweet. Crunchy but soft.
"Carswell, I'm leaving you for this burger."
"Oh! Didn't know I had such fierce competition..."
There's about a ten minute gap of silence while I eat and the captain smiles at me. I manage a spangled 'wha ya smilin fo' in between bites. He responds, "It's just... you look so happy. It's making me happy."
I laugh and bite.
"I guess I like having freedom. Freedom and food that isn't bland."
"The freedom burger."
"Burger of freedom."
He carries on smiling like I'm the Rampion. The Rampion.

I can't help it.
Cress looks beautiful.
And I'm addicted.
I've been discovering this addiction for the past few months. I get butterflies from the way she moves in her sleep. The way she eats in a posh restaurant and doesn't care what she looks like. The way she smiles like the Sun. The way she smiles at me. Even though I know she's more than I'll ever deserve, she'll always be mine.

She doesn't know, but I'm noticing.

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