POV (part 4):

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Kai had spared as much time as he could for her. She felt it was so kind for him to do this. Of course, this was the hardest and most stressful part of his life. She supposed he needed a break from it all; she was his break. That was perfectly fine with her.
The palace was amazing and beautiful. Sometimes, Kai would meet her in the gardens or in her rooms or his rooms.
Cinder loved to explore this new place.

It already felt like home. No, Kai already felt like home.

She was nervous to go to the ball. Her step family went every year. They would wear their frilly dresses and nasty hats.  Ugh.
Then they would leave her a stack of mess to clean up, all by herself. So she had to clean, and clean, and clean and wonder when her life would begin...

Now, she was the one being waited on.
Cinder always helped her maid- Cress- with her work. They'd formed quite a nice friendship. Cress was a short blonde and only a few months older than Cinder. She had big, blue eyes and her smile could brighten up any room. She was quiet and shy. But Cinder soon won her over. Cress was friends with Kai.
Cress had a crush on one of the guards, Carswell. He seemed to be good friends with Kai. The prince called him Thorne... probably his last name.
She overheard a conversation they'd had about Kai's father.
She got caught though.
She cracked up when Thorne talked about his crush.... Cress.
Then he made her swear on Kai's life not to tell a living sole.
She won over Thorne as well. Kai and Cinder had made a pact to set Cress and Thorne up. Hehehe.
Her life was changing. And it was pretty amazing.
Kai was (by far) the best part.

The hole in his heart ached less, day by day. He knew the hole would never close. He knew he would always love and miss his father.
It was all down to Cinder.
Of course, she came along into his life. She made it just that little bit better. Then, his father left his life.
He made it a little worse.
Thorne helped. Cress helped.
It was slowly seeping into his head:
His father was gone. His father was never coming back.
Kai had to accept that. For his country and for him.
When he got really sad, he'd visit Cinder. She'd told him he could come to her at any time.
"I don't care if it's 2:00 pm or 2:00 am. It's fun talking to you, anyway."
He still felt guilty but she assured him it was totally fine. She was great.
They'd been edging together Thorne and Cress. They once locked them both in a storage room. It was hilarious.
As they opened it, Kai and Cinder feigned surprise. Cress looked pretty flustered and red. Whereas, Thorne looked pretty proud of himself.

They had been making preparations for the upcoming ball. It was bittersweet. He wanted his father to grace the ball with his presence just one more time.
But he was looking forward to becoming emperor.
And, he couldn't wait to dance with Cinder.
Just 2 more days.

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