POV (part 2):

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She gasped. This was her first kiss. This was her first kiss and it was with a prince. This was her first kiss and it was with a prince who would soon be an emperor. She closed her eyes and leaned into it, stringing her hands from his chest to his shoulders and eventually into his hair. His hands tentatively made their way around her waist.
He broke the kiss with a smile.
Their heads rested on each other. He smoothed back her hair and pecked her lips again. Kai's hand slipped from her waist to hold her free hand. They gazed at the sun again, waiting until blackness had caked the sky.
"What do they make you do, Cinder? You look like you haven't eaten in days- weeks even."
"I er- look after the garden, collect food, make food, clean the house and wait on them hand and foot. That doesn't leave a lot of time to eat, I suppose."
"Come with me." Kai held out his hand and lifted her up. Her knees were wobbly. He was a couple inches taller than her. (And two years older. One of the Linh children always talked about prince Kai and his uncanny hotness.)
Cinder found herself rolling her eyes at the thought.
He pulled her past a few trees and lead her to find a grand horse tied to a tree.

They were definitely alone- yet she still found herself whispering: "Where are we going, Kai?"
"To the palace gardens."
He helped her up onto the horse and they made their way to the palace. The horse galloped at full speed, her messy ponytail becoming even messier. As they rode, she leaned forward and pressed her lips against his cheek. His grin only widened.

As the horse galloped- the horizon slowly revealed a magnificent palace, Kai's home. Cinder's eyes reflected awe and pure joy. This was all new for her. He loved seeing her happy now.
He guided the horse through a secret passageway into the the palace gardens. They were just as beautiful as ever. The horse came to a halt.
He slipped off the knight and lifted Cinder down after. He was careful to avoid bumping into anyone but the gardens were closed to the public this week, because of his father. Kai led Cinder down to the pond.
They sat; talked about his father; talked about the Linhs.
Cinder, ever so slowly, fell asleep in his lap as he stroked through her hair. After a while of admiring the beauty of the gardens... and of the stunning girl in front of him, Kai picked her up and slid through the halls of the palace and dropped her off in his bed chamber. He lay next to her and drifted to sleep himself, holding her in his arms.

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