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Peony was very proud of her outfit. Iko had the best taste in fashion, that was for sure. Looking in the mirror, it was as if she was a model, totally, utterly beautiful. She looked as though she was made of flowers: her hair was braided with petals and her dress fitted perfectly. The flowers embroidered into her sides framed Peony's body.
And she felt amazing. 
Peony thanked the stars for Iko.
A voice called from downstairs, "Peony! I need your help!"
Cinder, Peony thought.
She skipped down the stairs, "Cinder, Cinder, CiCi! Cinderrrr!"
From behind a door frame, emerged Peony's best friend. She was wearing cargo pants and a vest, caked in dirt and dust and mud and oils and... stars knows what else.
There was only one girl who could look like this: Cinder.
"Oh! Wow, where are you going?" Cinder laughed, grabbing a cloth and wiping her hands.
"Honey, I need more information than that," she laughed.
"With friends."
"C'mon! Nope.... I know. Let me just consult the textbook on 'Peony Language'.... that means... with a boy!" 
"No, Cinder I mean it! It's really just my friends," Peony laughed, blushing.

Cinder rolled her eyes, "Alright, help me move this o-"
That was the moment Iko burst in, her speaker lined with bright red lipstick.
"What.  Is.  That. On. Your. Face." Cinder gaped.
"It's ruby red, very trendy, very fashionable, good with the weather." Iko chimed.
Peony laughed until she snorted.
"Oh, by the way," Iko peeped, "there's some girls at the door, Peony."
"Why didn't they just ring the doorbell?" Cinder scrunched her face up.
"Oh, by the way," Iko danced around the room, "the doorbell's broken. So maybe our favourite mechanic could hop on that..."
"Okay, okay, but I want to meet Peony's  friends first. Have I got dirt on my face?"
"Always," Peony giggled, "Let's go."

Cinder was greeted with gaping faces of pure disgust.
Obviously. How did she not guess. Everyone hated her. No, they hated what was part of her: they hated her left arm and foot. Cinder smiled, tried to be the bigger person. But all she wanted to do was crawl away.
Peony was laughing, until it was becoming a forced and very awkward sound.
"Let's go, Peony." 'Friend #1' said.
Peony looked from her friends to Cinder, but her lip, looked down, "Cinder," she started.
"You can go, it's fine."
"F.I.N.E or F.Y.N.E?"
"Peony, don't talk to your maid."
"Excu- She's not my maid, she's my sister!"
"Peony, c'mon, it's not worth it." Cinder tapped her shoulder.
"No, no. I'm not doing this! How dare you... It's not like wires are contagious."

Peony slammed the door.
Cinder almost laughed, "It's not like wires are contagious, I like that..."

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