An alternate ending to Cinder (part 3)

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The morning felt like a daze. It was hard enough to comprehend actually going to the ball the night before. But to wake up in the palace and have the emperor lend you an actual paper book!
Damn, Cinder could get used to it.
She definitely didn't miss Adri and Pearl. She wondered what they were thinking at that moment...
'Where's Cinder? I have a knot in my hair from all that ridiculous hairspray, last night. It was worth it though... Kai walked past me'

To be completely honest, she got some weird looks from some guards. But she understood.
'Egh. Look at that girl. Did she sleep in her ballgown or something? Wait... is she coming out of Kai's chambers? What the-'
She just tucked behind Kai, trying to be invisible. But that's pretty hard if you're  still wearing a golden dress the morning after the night before.
"Your Majesty," a guard bowed, "and er-erm..."
Kai looked as if he were about to say something. But before he could stand to her defence, Cinder felt a pull in her gut. A tingle in her fingers. A shiver down her spine.
Her voice sounded different, more powerful... dominant.
"You didn't see me. I wasn't here."
Kai's jaw dropped.
"I didn't see you," the guard repeated, "You weren't here."
Then he went back to his stiff position on duty.
Kai whispered, "What in the name of the stars was that, Cinder?"
A new voice appeared, gruff, old, tired.
"Now that," Dr.Earland said in amazement, "was her Luna power. It broke through- after all these years of defence against it. At least she didn't faint this time."
"You mean... all those times she collapsed. That was her gift coming back?"
"Yes. And it's a strong one, too. A definite royal."
"I feel a little faint, actually," Cinder said hazily.
"Oh, no."


"Every time," Dr.Earland muttered, "I thought she was getting better."
Kai had grabbed Cinder before she hit her head on the floor. It was just like the time in the elevator. The memory made his insides tingle. He almost cracked a smile.
The emperor hauled Cinder up and carried her through the halls. They didn't come into contact with any guards, for the doctor's office wasn't too far away.
The port-lock on the door recognised Dr.Earland's face instantly and the door slipped open. Kai placed her down on the med-bed and sat beside her.
"How long till she comes around?"
"Erm- she used mind control, right?"
"Yeah, yeah."
"Okay. Hmmm... a couple of minutes." Dr.Earland called his med-droid over.
"Go find some clothes for his majesty and Cinder Linh."
"Yes, sir." The android squeaked.

The doctor fiddled with some of his machines. His office looked almost empty, like he had a thorough clean. He packed away some files; clicked a few buttons and printed off more files. He stacked an abundance of carefully labelled papers.
Something was wrong. Kai could tell: Dr.Earland's office was never tidy.
It looked like it was being cleared out.

Cinder shifted and stirred. She mumbled something about food and mechanics.
What a pair...
"Ah, sleeping beauty awakes..."
"Shut up, doctor." Cinder grumbled.
Dr.Earland chuckled, but there was a sadness in his eyes- dawning him back to reality.
Kai helped Cinder sit up; she groaned.
"May I make a request, Your Majesty?"
He smiled, "Yeah..."
"More comfortable med-beds."
After last night, all the tension and fear- it felt nice to laugh. They still had all the stresses of what they would do about their... situation. But they had to savour the fact Levana left before causing a scene... a scene that would definitely lead to a war. That war- Kai's country was no where near prepared for.

"Okay." Dr.Earland's eyes slid back to the screen.
"Back to business. We've got some very important things to cover. When you two couldn't stay awake any more and shambled and shuffled to bed. Well, I think I had a breakthrough. I was about to come and wake you up myself so I could tell you."
Kai glanced at his port-screen, checking his meetings and his planner.
"Ah, I can cancel everything between
11 o'clock and 2 o'clock. We've got a couple hours."
"Good. I think we'll do just fine."
The doctor pulled away from his port and pulled out a PowerPoint stick, the sort a professor would use in a lecture.

Cinder gasped, "Oh!.. oh, sorry. I thought you were about to kill me."
"Right. No sudden movements. Got it."
A sort of PowerPoint appeared on the wall of the office.
"Okay. Make yourselves comforta-"
Dr.Earland was interrupted by the med-droid, carrying a pile of clothing.
"His majesty's and Cinder Linh's new clothing- as you asked, Doctor."
Kai had almost forgotten about that. "Thank you," he picked out his clothes and passed Cinder hers.

"Wow... these are fancier than my dress."
"Oh! I forgot. Thank you. You are dismissed, med-11."
The med-droid went about her business, leaving the meeting to proceed.
Before she could even speak, Dr.Earland herded Cinder into another room. Then shifted Kai into the other room.
"Get changed quickly. We don't want to waste time. Oh," the doctor turned to his draw and pulled out a comb, "Cinder, sort out that bird nesting in your hair."


When clothes were changed and hair was detangled, Kai and Cinder returned to the doctor's main office.
"Okay! Finally, back to our situation."
Cinder gulped at the last word. It hadn't sank in. She doubted it would ever sink in.
I am Princess Selene Channary Janali Blackburn of Luna- the true heir to the throne of Luna.
It sent a shiver down her spine; it tugged at her gut; her heart skipped multiple beats, then sank. Those words made her feel sick.
She wasn't a princess. She was an outcast. An outlaw. A cyborg. A mechanic. She was basically a slave to her step-family.
She was not a princess.
No. She would never be a princess.

"What are your developments?" Kai asked. His voice had changed. This was his political voice. It made Cinder's heart do a little tap-dance.
Snap out of it, Cinder. This is serious.

"I found a name. Somebody who assisted in escorting Selene down to Earth. At the age of three. She lived in Eu-"
"That's disgusting," Kai muttered, shaking his head.
"What?" Cinder asked.
"Who would ever try to kill a three year old?"
"My dear auntie Levana, apparently."
There was a moment of silence. Doctor Earland and Kai both looked at Cinder, sympathetically.
"Nope!" She said, "I don't want you looking at me like that. My whole life as I remember may have been a lie," she held up her finger, "... er- but I don't want to thing about that!"

The tips of Kai's lips turned upwards.
The doctor chuckled, "Okay. No sudden movements. No sympathy looks."

"Anyway, back to my discoveries. Yes. I found a name. I believe if you go and find this woman, you can find more evidence to hold against Levana."
"Michelle Benoit."

Part four??? Yes! I need a part four. I'm really loving this...

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