Kiko (part 1)

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There are definitely spoilers for Wires and Nerve here...

My eyes were stinging with effort to see, but it was almost impossible. The night sky looked like black treacle, and the stars were stuck- waging through the sticky horizon, trying to reach the other side, trying to pull the sun up.
But even that seemed impossible.
I always felt more content at night-time. When the city streets were bustling and filled with life -earlier on in the night- I found that overwhelming. But when it's quiet and dark and the streets are less crowded, that's where I'd find a home. Especially with Luna's messed up weather system.
Don't ask me why. I just like being alone when I'm not really alone.

I like being alone.
Cue Iko.
I like working alone.
Cue Iko.

Selene (oh, sorry- Cinder) sent us out to find the mutant army Levana had raised, the ones who were fighting back. Cinder sent me to look after Iko, protect her. Why didn't she just send me alone?

Our progress on our mission is better than ever, albeit all the awkwardness between us since... the incident.
Can androids be embarrassed? Ashamed?
Can androids play hard to get?

The incident of course being when she kissed me, or I kissed her. No, she kissed me. I did not kiss her back.
She's an escort-droid. I'm not the type of guy who well... I guess my type is human.
But Iko's kinda different. It seems as though she has feelings, like a human.
But I don't care about the incident. She was just confused. Did I lead her on? I didn't mean to.
I just want to get the job done.
And then we can just be acquaintances. Maybe casual-friends.
No more.

In the typical net-drama, a midnight kiss would be appropriate in this situation. It's dark, and we're all alone, the sexual tension is burning... or maybe just awkwardness. But still, it's a life-or-death situation, here. If we were in a film, Actor Kinney (who would be much hotter, btw...) would stop me right before entering the old, abandoned building full of vicious, seething cannibals. He'd pin me up against the wall.
His lips would flutter against mine and he would whisper, in a dark, manly voice, "You could die in there, Iko. I couldn't live with myself if something happened to you,"
"I can take care of myself," I would protest, half-heartedly.
Then his wall of stubborn emotion would come crashing down.
"I've tried to tell myself it's not true- but I've been in love with you all this time."
Then he'd kiss me, and I'd split at the seems. His arms would wrap around me, closing every gap between our bodies. The pleasure would be so tremendous I would hardly keep myself from shaking.
Then we'd hear a noise, a rumble, a crack. Like the entire city would collapse. But it's actually the wolves gaping down at us, readying themselves for a fight.
Then we'd fight and blady-bla-bla.
Point is, Actor Kinney and I would survive because of our endearing love for each other and our feisty fighting skills and tremendous aim.
He'd probably take a gash of claws for me. I'd probably take the leader down for him, because I'm an awesome female protagonist and, like... feminism, equality.
So we leave the place, having successfully taken down the mutant army. We'd leave hand-in-hand as the sun came up.
I'd ask in a soft voice, "What now?"
And he'd reply, "We-"

"IKO! Earth to Iko! Lunar to Iko!"
"Huh-what, now-Huh?!"
"Ugh! Stop daydreaming and focus." Kinney (not the Amazing Actor Kinney: Real Kinney) stage-whispers.

"How did you know I was daydreaming?"
"Your fan was whirring,"
I roll my eyes.
This is one of the first times we've talked this week. It's Saturday.
Kinney and I have been on this mission together for a week, damn. We barely talked.
I can't blame him for not talking to me. I threw myself at him aimlessly (hehe, just literally imagine that.)
I'm not shocked he pushed me away.
I'm not human.
I'm not his type.
I'm a little bit heart-broken.

I tried to talk with Cinder about it, but (sorry, Cici) she wasn't much help. She's too distracted by Kai. Her advice normally sounds like:
"Right. Ask him: 'If my foot falls off, will you keep it?' If so, then KIKO is good to go. If not..."
"Look, Cinder. You don't just ask people how they feel about your feet."

"What were you thinking about?" Kinney asks, trying to get a rise out of me.
"Kai and Cinder," I lie blankly.
"Yeah. You, ugh. What do you call it? You ship it?"
"Yes, Mr.Kinney. I've taught you well. And because they're together, they are-"
I lightly clap my hands and then we go back to awkwardness.
Then it hits me, I mean literally hits me. Everything goes black.

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