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The party was... well, crap, to say the least. Her friends were in relationships and all loved up. That was fine.

She was happy for them...

Nah. She didn't believe it either.

But there was a silver lining. One of her friends, Kai, was still single. They spent the party together, watching the wasters blow the speakers, poking fun at the others, and fighting over the difference between Kai's Mum's chicken and McDonald's.
Just another graceless night.

And Cinder was happy with this.

She wanted to spend the night with Kai anyway. They were going to watch all the Shreks. She almost thought it was a date. That was, until their other friends dragged them to this house party.
They unwillingly agreed, then decided to not get drunk so that they could still watch Shrek. "Shrek before anything." -Kai
Needless to say, every other one of their friends under the strong influence of alcohol. So Kai and Cinder decided to call it a night when they were wedged in the middle of a sweaty make out session between Scarlet and Wolf and Thorne feeding Cress pizza. "How romantic!" Cinder mused.

Kai was about to open the door for Cinder (like the chivalrous gentleman he was.)
Then Levana turned up.
Great, Cinder thought, we'd managed to avoid the witch all of the three hours we were there and NOW she turns up.
"Hey, sweetheart," Levana sang, batting her overly-layered eyelashes.
Kai managed an "Um, no," before Levana dug her tongue down his  throat.
Cinder stood there, watching, utterly helpless. Kai struggled at forcing Levana away. The witch's friends had gathered around Cinder, pushing her out of the door.
It slammed in her face. "Kai!" She cried over the booming music, "Kai, are you okay?"
Two seconds later, she heard "You're drunk, leave me alone."
The door opened again. Kai had escaped, his hair ruffled and his shirt crumpled: "Cinder, you okay?"
She nodded.
He mimed wiping sweat from his brow. Cinder suppressed a laugh.
Finally. They were alone and the cool night air offered a fresh breath, rather than the cigarette stench in the house.
Kai said, "Anyways, Shrek?"
"I'm feeling more Guardians of the Galaxy, now." Cinder chuckled.
"Why the sudden change of heart."
"That whole ogre thing reminds me too much of Levana."
Kai's breathless laugh was interrupted by Levana, who had been standing behind them for longer than they'd realised. She tripped Cinder up, causing her to fly down the steps.
A searing pain shot through her leg.

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