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Ya know what.... this is kaider and I don't even mind anymore. It's really fun writing about my top.

This is set in the past, btw....
Cinder POV:
Cinder was sick of her step family. She was sick of working for them. She was sick of not being paid. She was sick of not eating properly. She was sick of living under such a horrible roof with all those horrible people.
She ran.
She didn't even realise she was running until the wind knocked sense into her. Her legs ached but adrenaline pushed her through the surrounding fields. Where was her destination? She didn't even know. She chased after the sun. She belted it down lanes and valleys. Cinder must've been running for almost an hour but it felt like less. The sun was setting. She stopped at a halt- finding it hard to even stand. Her feet were so numb for she only had tired, worn shoes that she wore all the time.
She set herself down at a tree stump to take a breather.
"I'm going to head back." She sighed, "It may be a horrible life- but it's the only life you have."
It felt weird speaking to herself. Mind, it felt weird talking at all. The Linhs liked peace and quiet. But that was stupid, because the two children always argued.
A tear dropped down her cheek.
"Why should you go back?" A voice called from the other side of the tree stump.
Her eyes widened. Cinder cringed.... she wasn't alone. Just as she attempted to get up and run away again, she realised her legs felt like lead. She was stuck.
The voice... a boy stood up and circled to tree and knelt down next to her. She didn't look. He was going to make a laughing stock of her.
"Look at me, already. It's not so bad to speak to yourself," she heard the crunch of an apple. "I think it shows intelligence. You have to say things aloud, then you can comprehend them properly. That means, you could do great things."
He chuckled.
"Look at me."
She turned her head slowly. Her eyes fluttered open.
"There she is!" The boy laughed. "Finally, someone to talk to. And I thought I came far enough out of the city to be away from people. Ah, you can be my exception."
The first thing she noticed about the boy were his eyes. They were beautiful... and dreamy. She almost fell into a daze as she gazed into his two chocolate eyes- layered with caramel.
Damn, I'm hungry.
His hair was a deep black colour, perfectly tousled but unkept.
He looked like royalty... but he was wearing peasant clothes. He was... interesting. His cheekbones were defined and rather charming.
His arms were too long for his body.

The god was human, at least.

"What's your name?" The boy asked.
"I'm- er... erm..." she zoned out but quickly realised where she was and what he'd just asked her. "Cinder."
"Nice. Hey, Cinder." He held out his hand. "I'm Kai."
She shook his hand.
Kai: "You look... hungry" He threw her an apple.
Cinder: "Geez, you run an apple farm?"
He chuckled. Kai invited himself to sit next to her.
Kai: "So... why are you out here? Why were you running?"
Cinder: "I'm a maid. Well, sort of. The family adopted me and expect me to be their slave. I wanted to get away from them. What about you? Life too stressful on the apple farm? Harvest not work out this year?"
Kai laughed: "No. Er... well, I... uhhh"

For the first time since she'd met him, Kai seemed extremely uncomfortable and struggling to come up with an answer.
"My dad is... uh ill. The whole kingdom is relying on me. I can't stand the looks of sympathy I get from people in the palace. I lost my mother... and now my father."
Cinder knotted her brow.
Kingdom? Palace?
.... he was a prince.
She stumbled up and bowed but he pulled her down.
"No! You, Cinder, are going to help me forget about this. No bowing."
They sat for a moment. It wasn't awkward. They were watching the sun. They were thinking. There was no need for words.
Cinder didn't even realise Kai staring at her.

Kai POV:
He couldn't help himself. This girl... she was beautiful. Her hair was in a messy ponytail yet- somehow- it looked like a piece of art. Her eyes matched his. He didn't know someone could have identical eyes. Her cheekbones were sharp and enticing. Her lips weren't thin, even in the breezy evening. There was a constellation of beauty spots dotted around her face, neck and chest. Her worn dress barely highlighted her curves... but she did have curves, underneath it all. Dirt was swiped across her forehead. There was a spot in between her eye and her ear.

The goddess was human, at least.

He forgot about his father and thought more about her jaw moving as she ate the apple and gazed at the sun.
Her face was still slightly wet from the tear that dripped down her cheek before he spoke to her.
Agh... he couldn't help himself. He swiped it away.
She turned her head and looked at him, confused. Her eyes fell to the ground and avoided contact.
He lifted her chin and kissed her.

Im gonna carry this on next then I promise I'll write a WINCIN thing.

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