A headcanon...

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Cinder groaned and untangled herself from Kai's arms, glancing from the baby monitor to her internal clock...
4:51 AM
Peony was howling with cries from the room next door. Cinder huffed.
"Why did we decide on the 'doing it all ourselves, we don't need help, we can manage a country and a baby...' method to parenthood?" She combed back her messy hair with her fingers and patted Kai on the back.
"I'm not going out again tonight, Kai. It's your turn." Cinder said sternly.

In response, he grunted but didn't move.
Cinder had to turn down her sound interference to block out Peony: the crying was giving her a migraine.
She punched him lightly.... nothing.
She pushed him lightly... still nothing.
She pushed him harder....

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