↳ 50: TINKER

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First of all, can I just say that
'Avengers: Infinity War' was worth
all the hype.

Okay, continue.


FREYA WAKES UP WITH A bouquet of roses by her bedside table and she had to close her eyes again because she felt like it was déjà vu. But when she opened them again, the roses were still there. Normally, her first thought would've been Sirius — because he had, in fact, filled her entire dad's drawing room with flowers so this looked like something Sirius would've done.

         But it was too simple. Sirius had always been about extravagant things when it came to giving gifts to Freya. There was one person who always thought simplicity is the best and that it's the thought and triggering emotions intact that were important.

         She hesitantly reached out to the attached note and read:

From the only person who had
ever bought you flowers and
snuck them inside your dorm.

         James did the same tactic when they were fake dating. And suddenly, Freya was glad Sirius didn't sleep in her bed that night. It would've been a huge argument. And with the thought of this, Freya became annoyed.

         She quickly got dressed and the rest of the girls in their dorm started waking up. Of course, there was Marlene gushing when she saw the flowers. Freya only casually said they'd meet them at the Great Hall and didn't wait for a reply. She quickly headed out their room.

         Noir was with Sirius and therefore, Freya knew he would let the other Marauders head out to Great Hall first because he has to feed Noir. (Freya mentally thanked herself for asking Sirius to have her cat for the night.) She headed out the Gryffindor common room and waited by the portrait of the Fat Lady. And minutes later, as expected, James, Remus, and Peter walked out the passageway.

        "Freya?" Remus was the first to notice her and James' head immediately swiveled to her direction. "What are you doing here? Where are the girls?"

         "They're still getting ready," Freya answered. "Can I borrow James for a second?"

         Remus rose his eyebrow then looked at James who just shrugged. "Sure? I guess."

         "Thanks, see you down there," said Freya and Remus nodded. He started walking to the staircases with Peter in tow.

         Knowing they were now alone, James broke off into a smirk. "Well, you clearly want some more alone time with me, don't you?"

         "Are you insane?" Freya hissed and James' head slightly jerked backwards from shock. Freya grabbed his wrist and then pulled him further to the side, James like a lanky vegetable letting her drag him. "Do you realize what could've happened?"

         James heaved a sigh as Freya let go of his wrist. He looked down at the floor, slightly ashamed, and said, "Okay, the prank on Flitwick's office may have been a little too far but frankly —"

         "What?" Freya asked, her face scrunched up still with annoyance but now laced with confusion.

         "What?" James asked back, genuinely and adorably confused.

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