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IT SEEMED ONLY YESTERDAY IT was September. It seemed only yesterday Freya Merse was dating Sirius Black at October. And now it was December 20th and Freya has been, (un)succesfully, dating James Potter for a month, and the students of Hogwarts are on board at the Hogwarts Express and back to King Cross Station for the holidays.

        Freya sat sitting in the usual compartment she always did with Lily Evans, Marlene McKinnon, Alice Fortescue and Mary McDonald. Marlene, Alice, and Mary were engaged in a conversation — as per usual because usually, it really was the three of them closer — while Lily was reading the Daily Prophet and Freya was leaning against the window.

        "So," Lily spoke suddenly, eyes still on the paper. "Will Froyce be going with you in Arizona this Christmas? Or is it the other way around?"

        Freya smiled. "Arizona, gladly. I'd love to go and do normal muggle stuff for a change. Though, I'd have to spend half the summer at Dad's. Not bad, I guess." Freya's mum (mom, in Arizona) was a muggle while her dad was a wizard, making the siblings half bloods.

        "Hmm," Lily hummed. "And so, I reckon, you'd be introducing James to your mum?"

        Freya shrugged. "We haven't really discussed so, I'm not sure." Though, truthfully, although undiscussed, there was no way Freya would be introducing James to her mom and especially, not her dad. They weren't really dating. And Froyce knew the truth so it was good — though Froyce knowing so actually is kind of bad, Freya knows how her brother could be.

       There was silence before Lily sighed and put the newspaper on her lap. She turned to Freya with a sad frown. "I, really, don't want to fight."

       Freya raised an eyebrow. "We aren't fighting, Lily."

       Lily sighed. "No, but I had intended to be mean."

      "O — kay." said Freya confusedly. "Should I ask why?"

      Lily rolled her eyes and exclaimed, "Because all you ever do is be around James!"

      With the enraged look on Lily's face, Freya found herself smirking amusedly. "Are you jealous?"

      "Of course, I am!" Lily answered, making Marlene, Alice and Mary momentarily look at her in question as to why she was raising her voice. She blushed and lowered her tone, only for Freya to hear. "I mean, I'm not jealous of you. I'm jealous of him."

      "Oh," said Freya, still smirking. "Why?"

      "Because ever since you got together all you did was snuggle up to him, or snog him, or be with him, and I miss my best friend." Lily whined. And I miss James, too. She wanted to add but, obviously, that was not an option for her.

      Freya looked at her best friend. She knew she was feeling out ever since her and James started 'dating'. But, the fact that she couldn't admit that she was also feeling jealous, it made Freya very amused. Lily's ego just wouldn't accept that she is as equally infatuated with James Potter as he is to her. "Do you want me to break up with him?"

      Lily's eyes almost went out her sockets. "What? Oh, heavens, no! I'm not that selfish to let you sacrifice your happiness!" As Freya, still looked at her amusedly, Lily continued with a sigh. "I just, I miss my best friend. Why don't you — I don't know — take the flirting down a notch?"

      You want me to take it down a notch because you want him, Lily, you know it, Freya thought. Still, she smiled, "You should tell that to James, Lils. Not me. I'm very capable of keeping my hands to myself."

      Lily's face beat red at the thought of scolding James because she hasn't done that in a while and what used to feel so natural now felt so, sadly, foreign. Freya continued, "But, this is still me, Lily. I'm still your best friend. You know I'd be beside you the moment you need me or call me even if I am with James. You're still more important to me than him."

     The red head smiled at the brunette. He heart fluttered with happiness yet also guilt. She was feeling envious and jealous of the girl because of some stupid, gorgeous, bespectacled boy while she was nothing but nice to her. Lily felt regret.

     But before she could answer though, the door of their compartment slid open, revealing none other than James Potter himself. "Ow, that hurt me, love, right here."

     Freya rolled her eyes at how James placed his palm on his right chest. She stood up and took his hand — much to the slight surprise of James — and directed it to his left chest. "I'm not even going to ask how you heard that. But, your heart is located here, idiot."

      James looked down on their hands that were so naturally on top each other and then back at Freya who was also did the same. Freya stared back to his brown eyes and it was silent except for their breathing that each other could hear so vividly because of the, just noticed, close proximity. James vaguely smiled, and in a small whisper he said, "Of course, it is."

      Freya's heart thumped again as he stared at his eyes, his nose, and his lips. And Freya couldn't even deny it at that moment, she was beginning to be attracted to James and his gorgeous face and confidence and aura. It's just a crush Freya, she told herself.

     Shaking her head off the thoughts, she took a step back and raised an eyebrow at him. "What are you doing here, anyway?"

      The smirk was back on James' lips. "What? I can't say good bye to my girlfriend?"

      James' hand was already extended in for a hug and Freya's eyes widened at this. "James, love, no, I'm —"

      But it was too late as James arms was already around Freya's petite waist. Freya groaned as James childishly snuggled his head by her neck. "Jameeees, you're hair is tickling my neck!"

     "Oh, shut up." James grumbled and placed a(n) (un)necessary kiss on Freya's neck. Freya felt her stomach do gymnastics again. But she was either a good actress or she was either really enjoying it because she giggled.

     "Hun, stop it."

     "Alright, can you back it up before you start having sex, right there?" Alice commented, making the couple look at her amusedly with arms still very much around each other.

      "I won't be seeing this lovely face and holding this killer body in two weeks — cut me some slack, Alice." said James, his eyes twinkling with amusement at how awestruck the girls, especially Lily, was with their PDA. "Besides, we're almost at the station. This is my last chance."

      Just then, the train slowly went to a stop and suddenly, the rest of the Marauders popped behind James and Freya. Remus, as always, rolled his eyes. "Alright, lover boy, hands off the girl, we're at the station."

     James fake pouted before kissing Freya lastly on the lips. It was long, hard, and full of emotion that Freya felt like she was being lifted in the air. Her eyes closed at the frenzic feeling and she felt herself deepening the kiss.

     "Prongs," they heard Sirius say in monotone. "Your folks would already be probably out there."

     James — much to Freya's disappointment — slowly detached their lips. He stared a while at the brunettes eyes — and it felt so genuine that it almost made Freya want to cry — before lightly placing a kiss on her forehead and saying, "I'll see you, love."

      With the uncomfortable look on Lily's face, a gushing one Peter's, Marlene's, Alice's and Mary's, an amused one on Remus, an enraged one on Sirius, they knew it was one quite act.

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