Q & A

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If you have questions that aren't here,
whether serious or for fun, do comment
below! If I get enough questions, I would
make a separate chapter and put all your
questions and the answers there!
You are free to ask to: Freya, James,
Sirius, Lily, Froyce, Remus and me! If
you have questions for Marlene, Mary,
Alice, Frank, Fabian, Giddeon, or
even Regulus, you could also ask some
from them. c:


1.) Why did you agree with James' deal in the first place?
      I was still in the state of break up. It felt like nothing else mattered than to have Sirius back or have revenge on him. And plus, James has this persuasion aura. Like, who could resist him!?

2.) When did you start liking James?
     Definitely after the kiss in the first Quidditch match. And Merlin, curse me, I know it was only, like, two weeks since we started dating for fake and I was already smitten. I feel so pathetic. (See: Chapter 08)

3.) When did you realize you were in love with him?
      Back at the first night at the Potter Manor. When I was saying how my parents' divorce didn't bother me, although deep down it really did. James held my hand under the table and I knew he felt I wasn't really alright. And it felt like a connection. (See: Chapter 16)

4.) What did you feel about Lily during the entire process?
     Well, at first, I was amused. It entertained me how she was obviously jealous but wouldn't admit it and I wanted to just tell her that it was all an act for her. But then, I felt like I was hurting her because I knew she was feeling uncomfortable and she was missing James' attention and I just wanted to scream at her and get it on and just admit her feelings to get everything over with.

     Then, I felt like I was betraying her when I started to grow feelings for James. And especially when I wished she wouldn't admit her feelings because that meant more time with James and whatnot. But in the end, I still, and will forever, love that redhead.

5.) How did you feel about Remus knowing?
     That man knows too much for his own good, sometimes. Still, it didn't surprise me much that he knew because, well, because he's Remus Lupin.

6.) What were your thoughts when Sirius kissed you on Chapter 28?
     I wanted to push him down a bed yet want to punch him all at the same time. And I was like, "Urgh! Why now!? Why do you only profess and kiss me now when you could've done it when I still didn't have any feelings for James freaking Potter!?" But I kissed him back then left him to follow James, so, I guess he got that intellectually?

{Sirius: No, Freya, no one would have guessed that.}
{Freya: We're dead, Sirius. Let it go.}

7.) Did you really had feelings for Sirius or were you just leading him on?

{Sirius: Yeah, Freya. Answer that question.}
{Freya: Don't sass me, Black.}

     To be honest, I did. I don't think I ever really stopped having feelings for Sirius. They were just kind of neglected since I fell in love with James. But I love Sirius. I still love him now.

8.) Thoughts on Harry?
     Thankfully, he did not grow up as egotistical as his father.

{James: He did grew as handsome.}
{Freya: Lily.}
{Lily: On it. *grabs James' ear and drags him back to their house in the afterlife*}

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