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DINNER WAS OVER AND ALL the students started standing up and getting ready to go back to their dormitories. However, Freya made no effort to stand up as she was still lamely picking on her red jelly desert.

         Lily looked down at her. "Not coming up, Frey?"

         Freya looked at her best friend who didn't seem like the same girl that she once bonded with. Both of them had changed and she knew it. And it felt like forever since they got alone time. But Freya's mind was consumed with James — something she wasn't proud of, really. But Froyce was right. By admitting her feelings and asking for certainty, Freya would be aware of what she needed to do next. Every next step will matter based off James' answer. She smiled small and said, "Go on ahead, I need to talk to James."

         "Trouble in paradise, eh?" Alice asked amusingly.

         Freya laughed a bit. "You could say that."

         Freya saw Lily raise an eyebrow in slight surprise. "Oh. Well, we'll see you later, then."

         Freya nodded and her four girl friends joined the crowd exiting the Great Hall. When the population lowered down, she stood up and went to the Marauders' usual seat — only to be surprised to see only Remus and Peter.

         "Freya," Peter was the one to acknowledge, looking up from the pudding he was devouring.

         Remus looked up as well and smiled lightly. "Oh, hello, Freya."

         "Hi," she said. "Have you seen James?"

         Remus furrowed his eyebrows. "He left the moment Dumbledore ended dinner. He said you wanted to talk to him so he went on with the crowd."

         "He must've thought I went out already." said Freya and rolled her eyes. "I told him I'd come to him."

         Remus chuckled. "Yeah, well, he didn't want to make you wait, I guess. He's probably waiting by the common room by now."

         Freya smiled. "Well, why are you two still here, then?"

         Remus rolled his eyes. "Because Peter here isn't done with his dessert. James had to talk with you and Sirius just doesn't have the patience to wait. So, I'm stuck."

         "I told you I could eat by myself." said Peter.

         "What a nice thank you, Wormtail. I'm flattered." said Remus sarcastically, making Freya giggle.

         "Alright, I'll leave you to that." Freya ruffled the boys' hairs. "See you."

         Peter blushed a bit but nodded with a smile. Remus chuckled and nodded. And as Freya headed out the Great Hall, Remus yelled, "Don't think I don't know what's happening!"

         Freya rolled her eyes amusedly and stuck her tongue out at the werewolf before leaving. She blended in with the students roaming the halls and back to their common rooms. She was by the second floor when an unknown person grabbed her by the arm and pulled her in an empty classroom.

         "What the — Sirius!?" Freya exclaimed upon seeing the one and only Sirius Black as the culprit.

         Sirius made a face. "Go on and scream like a maniac so the whole bloody school would hear."

         "Well, you shouldn't have — what is it with you and James and kidnapping anyway?" Freya asked exasperatedly.

         Sirius rolled his eyes. "What is it with you and always bringing James in the conversation?"

         Freya looked at him with a frown. "Don't tell me this is still about that talk we had back at Christmas holidays?"

         "I won't but it is." said Sirius, shrugging.

         Freya sighed. She looked around the classroom and only then id she notice it was their Charms homeroom. She looked back at Sirius who was staring at her nonchalantly and she sighed again, "Sirius,"

         "Freya," the way Sirius said her name made her stomach flip. She hated that he still had that effect on her. For a moment, she completely forgot that she was supposed to see James.

         "If it hurts you seeing me with James, then why did you let go in the first place?" Freya asked solemnly, touching the last words Sirius had said the night they talked.

         "Because I didn't knew it would hurt." Sirius reasoned easily with no second thoughts — as if he had rehearsed the answer over and over. "Yet, without it hurting, I wouldn't have been able to piece the idea that I actually am attracted to you, Freya — not just physically."

          "Sirius," she bit her lip. Freya should've jumped with joy. Her part of the deal was a success — her vengeance had completed and now Sirius wanted him back. Wasn't that the whole idea of her agreeing with James? Yet, why was she having second thoughts? "James is your best friend."

          "Which is the main reason this whole thing is making me insane!" Sirius exclaimed, flailing his hands in the air. "The one girl I actually felt like I want to be with had to be my best friend's girlfriend — the person who had done more to me than anyone else."

           "You know I wouldn't have been his girlfriend if —"

           "Fuck, Freya, I know!" Sirius cries, his face frowning as he stepped closer to her in slight aggravation. "This is why this whole thing is eating me up! I shouldn't be feeling this way yet I am and I am the one who had done this to myself!" He stared intensely at the girl in front of her who could do nothing but stare. He tool deep breaths, calming himself, and brushed his hand frustratingly over his face. There was a pause before Sirius sighed and looked at her. And in a mutter, he said, "But, I still want you. And what I'm about to do will surely make matters worse."

            Freya scrunched her eyebrows in confusion. Yet, she didn't have time to answer when Sirius grabbed her face and kissed her. It was sudden. It was strong. She hated it. Yet, she wanted it all the same.

            It was just one kiss. One hard yet delicate touch from Sirius' lips. Yet, it couldn't be more bad timing than ever. Because the next thing they knew, a fist was swirving in the air and hit Sirius right in his perfect jaw. Freya gasped and her eyes turned to James whose face was laced with rage. "James!"

            Sirius touched his jaw that was now bleeding. Yet, he made no attempts to oppose or to defend himself — the way Sirius Black would've have. He simply staggered up and looked at James with no emotion. His best friend was nothing like he knew him. His face was red. His whole face was in a scowl. And his fists were shaking. "Fucking touch her again, Sirius! And I fucking swear!"

            Sirius was silent and only continued to stare at him with a slight flex as James continued, "I helped you! You're my best friend! And you go fuck with me!?"

            James was about to advance towards him but stopped when Freya held her arm, "James, stop it!"

           His head swerves around and Freya was almost afraid at the sight of James Potter. Yet, she remained her guard and firmly said, "Don't do this."

            James' jaw flexed. Then, he smirked sarcastically and spat, "Still protective of him, aren't we?"

           Freya's mind flashed to that day — the day James had asked her to do the deal with him. He had same the exact same words. But what he used to say so playfully now was said so menacingly. Freya didn't knew who she was facing.

           She had intended to speak but couldn't find the words. James pulled his arm away from her hold with a snap. And without looking at either of the two, he walked out the classroom.

           Freya's eyes teared and Sirius looked sadly at her. He cautiously took a step forward and said, "Freya, I —"

           But she ignored him and walked out the room as well, leaving Sirius to blame himself for the destruction he had caused.

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