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FREYA WAS IN THE LIBRARY with Lily and Remus one night after dinner. The two had convinced — well, the right term would be forced — Freya to get a head start on their three feet long essay in Arithmacy. James, Sirius, and Peter were supposedly going to be with them but none of them showed. Lily wasn't happy, of course.

          "I told James to be here," Lily grumbled as she furiously wrote on her parchment. "Seriously, that boy. It's so hard for him to just be responsible."

          "I thought you two already patched things up about that issue?" Freya asked. Lily had vent on her the same night of the party. The redhead didn't knew that she already knew because James had told her. But of course, she wasn't going to say that. Because although they were all at peace with each other, it would still be downright disrespectful for her to be alone with James, her ex and her best friend's boyfriend.

          "We had, he apologized, but here he goes again," Lily sighed. "And sometimes, honestly, I just want to leave him. But James is too much of a cute little puppy to abandon."

          Although seemingly exasperated, Lily couldn't help but smile a bit. Freya chuckled while Remus rolled his eyes. It was refreshing for Freya. Because for the first time, she was in a topic about James Potter and she wasn't feeling any indifferent. No more erratic heart thumping, no more flashback memories, no more anything. He was now just James Potter — her friend.

         "And honestly, James is the type of person who's determined and strong but he always needs someone to guide him," Lily continued on, and for a moment, stopped writing on her essay. "He's too impulsive to make his own decisions. He needs a consultant, a partner to analyze his thoughts and make sure he doesn't go astray or mess up."

          "Preach," Freya, again, chuckled. It was true. James was one of the most independent people you will meet but ironically, the one who's supposed to be dependent. He was a bullet that always fires regardless on what he'll hit. He's the type of person that needs a gun man. "So, don't give up on him. He may be obnoxious and childish —" Lily couldn't help but nod and roll her eyes at the thought of James at that. "— but he does love you. And you love him. You put James in line and he needs that. He needs you."

          Lily smiled although seemingly tired. "Yeah, I know," she nodded and Freya smiled back. And it was just so great that Freya could now talk to Lily about James without feeling awkward. Moving on from James was the best thing Freya had ever done.

          "Okay, enough with the love and sappy talk," Remus spoke and shook his head, his eyes not leaving his paper. The two girls were about to retort back but stopped as a certain someone passed their table.

          Remus also subconsciously looked up as Dorcas Meadows passed them with a friend of hers. Her eyes caught Remus and she gave him a shy wave, immediately making the tall boy blush. Remus greeted back with a small nod and Dorcas smiled before walking away, her friend ambushing her with whispers.

          Lily smirked, "Speaking of love but not so sappy talk."

          Lily looked at Freya and both leaned on the table, their hands going under their chins and their elbows on the table. Both had mischievous expressions and smirked at the boy in front of them. Freya spoke, "How are things with Dorcas?"

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